Recording session

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Chapter 16: Recording session

I was sitting on the red leather couch in the recording room. I was waiting upon Mr. James, the guys, Jasmine, and Niall. I rested my hands on my stomach. The door bursts open and the guys come sprinting in.

"Annabelle!!" Louis shouts kissing my cheek.

"Hey Lou," I smile.

"You ready Annabelle?" Mr. James asks.

"Yeah," I whisper. I stand up and walk into the booth. Niall takes a seat in the black, leather, spiny chair in front of the sound board.

"Ready babe?" Niall asks through the glass. I nod and slip on my headphones. 'Thousand Years' by Christina Perri plays.

"Heart beast fast, colors in promises,

how to be brave. How can I love when

I'm afraid to fall? But watching you

stand alone. All of my doubts

suddenly go away somehow. One step

closer. I have died everyday waiting

for you. Darling don't be afraid I have

loved you for a thousand years. II've

loved you for a thousand more."

The song soon ended and Mr. James had a look of pleasure on his face.

"That was great Annabelle," Mr. James says through the mic. "Thank you." With that he walks out the door.

"So how did it feel?" Jasmine asks as I walk out the booth.

"It was such a rush," I smile. Niall comes up from behind me and places his hands gently on my stomach.

"How's the mini Horan doing?" Jasmine blurts. I widen my eyes knowing that the guys don't know.

"Hold on a second.. Mini Horan?" Liam asks cautiously. I smile nervously and Niall takes his hands off my stomach.

"Wait a minute," Zayn says raising an eyebrow. "You're pregnant aren't you?" He almost shouts.

"Shh. Keep your voice down," I whisper yell. "You don't want to disturb this place."

"But you're pregnant!" Harry blurts.

"Pay attention," Louis slaps the back of Harry's head.

"Yes, I am pregnant." I sigh.


"So how did it feel to record?" Niall simply asks as we head home.

"It was fun," I smile. "Really fun."

Niall takes my hand and kisses it. I blush immediately and reach over to kiss his cheek.

"I'm glad you did this, I really am." Niall says concentrating on the road.

"You know, I love you." I whisper.

"And I love you," he whispers back.

We pull into the driveway and park into the garage. I hop out of the car and make my way I into the kitchen. I grab a glass of water and go into the living room. Niall follows me into the living room. Niall gently pushes me up against the wall and hungrily kisses me.

"We are going to be a family," he mumbles against my lips.


I didn't want to leave you guys hanging so here is a new chapter. Now this story will be on a bit of a hold.

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