Living Hell

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Tonight, tonight is the night I'm going to end it all. My life here at the adoption center has been hell. My life before here was ever worse. My mom left my dad and I when I was 2. After she left my dad was pissed. He thought it was all my fault so he abused me. When I was 13 he raped me. That's when I came here. The other kids here hate me. Mostly because I'm what people would call "goth". My hair is black with blue highlights. I have a septum piercing, snakebites, a vertical labret and 5 ear piercings. I grab my blade from my makeup bag. Just as I am about to drag it across my wrist someone knocks loudly on my door.
"Rebel!" My "mom" yells. I hide the blade and leave the room.
"Yes?" I ask as I leave my room.
"Someone adopted you. He's in that room." She points to the visiting room. This happens a lot. People say the are going to adopt me but then they see me and they change their mind. I walk into the room and see a few faces I thought I'd never see. My idols, I am standing in front of Motionless in White. My jaw drops.
"Y-your, why are you here?" I ask. It took all my courage to say that.
"I adopted you." Ghost says as he walks forward. My jaw drops more if that is even possible.
"You're being serious!?" I say, kinda in shock.
He nods. I run up to Devin and engulf him in a hug, "Thanks you! Thank you! Thank you!" I say ecstatically.
"Lets go get your stuff." Chris says. I let go of Ghost(I'm gonna call him Devin and Ghost) and I lead them to my small room. I wouldn't really even call it a room. It's more of a large closet so it's a tight fit.
"This is your room?" Balz asks.(yes I know he is not in the band anymore but I don't care. We can pretend because I love him.)
"I don't really call it a room, it's more like my closet that I sleep in." I say. I grab my other outfit and throw it in a bag, then I throw my make up bag in there as well. "Alright, I'm ready."
"That's all your stuff?" Ricky asks.

"Yeah" I say.
"Looks like we're gonna need to go shopping." Ghost says while jumping up and down like a little girl on Christmas. We all laugh, "We really don't have to." I say.
"Oh yes, we do. The question is do you want to go today or tomorrow?" he asks.
"Today" I say. He nods.

We leave the foster home and I couldn't be happier. I hated that place. After about a 15 minute car ride while jamming out to Slipknot we get to the mall. We walk in and people stare at us. 6 goth men and a 17 year old girl. It was kinda funny. The first store we see is Hot Topic. Balz and I look at each other and then dash to the store. The rest of the guys trail behind us shouting "WAIT UP!"
When Ghost gets into the store he tells me to get what ever I want. I grab a pair of ripped black jeans, purple jeans, half black half white jeans, a MIW shirt, a NYD shirt and a Lamb of God shirt. Ghost comes up behind me.
"I'm done." I say.
"That's it? You need to get more." he says.
I think for a second. "How about this, I get more clothes and you let me get another tattoo." I say.
"You have tattoos?" he asks.
"Yeah" I say as I roll up the sleeve of my shirt, showing off my full arm of tattoos.
He nods, "fine, but you have to get as many more clothes as I say." he says.
"Deal" I say.
I get some knee high platform boots, leather pants, a spikey belts and chokers and a few new septum and lip rings. When I take this stuff to Ghost he has clothes and stuff for me too. We take it up to the counter and check out. The lady behind the counter looks up and her jaw drops.
"Hi, can- your Ghost from Motionless in White." she says.
"Yeah" he says.
"Can I get a picture?" she asks. He nods. They take a picture and she rings up our stuff. We leave Hot Topic and Ghost, Balz and I meet up with the rest of our group at the food court. After we eat we go home.

When we pull up to Ghost's house I smile. This is so much better then the foster home. I grab my small bag before exting the car then I follow the guys into the house.

Ghost's POV

As I lead Rebal to room I start to worry. What if she doesn't like it? What if she isn't happy here? We reach her room and she opens the door. Rebal walks in silently.

"Do you like it?" I ask.
She nods her head. She turns around to look at me with tears wealing up in her eyes. "I love it, thank you so so so much." she hugs me, "I love you so much dad."
"I love you too." I say. It warms my heart that she already thinks of me as her dad. Those few words she just said just washed away all of my worries. I really hope she'll be happy here.

Will You Be Mine? (Adopted by Ghost MIW)Where stories live. Discover now