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After winning a few more games of Cards Against Humanity I Face Time Izzy.
I -Hey boo
R- Hey cutie
Balz notices Izzy on the phone.
B - Hello sexy
I - Rebel, I love you but give the phone to hottie.
I roll my eyes and sigh before handing the phone to Balz. Balz takes my phone and runs back to the bunks.
"Don't get cum on my phone!" I yell back to him.
"No promises!"
I shake my head, "I'm taking a walk." I stand up and walk out of the bus. We are stopped at a somewhere. I'm not really sure where. I start walking down the road. I walk for what feels like 15 ish minutes.

Something hits the back of my head and I fall to the ground. I quickly turn my head to see a large man standing there. I get up and run back to the bus as fast as I can. The man runs after me but I keep running. I can see the bus, it's only a few feet away. I reach for the door handle. It won't open. I quickly search my pockets, not finding keys.
"OPEN UP! QUICK!" I yell while pounding on the door. Anouther thing is thrown at me, I feel someting sharp stick in my leg.

Someone opens the door and I run in, slaming the door behind me. I fall so the floor and reach down to my leg.
"Get me a towel!" Chris yells. Ricky runs to the cubbord and grabs a towel. He throws is to Chris.
"Rebel, I'm going to pull out the knife, okay?" Chris says. I don't respond, I feel another sharp pain in my leg and I let out a scream. Chris put's pressure on the wound.
"Give me a lighter." I say.
"Why?" Chris looks at me, dumbfounded.
"I need to stop the bleeding, give me a lighter." I demand.
Chris reluctently hands me the lighter and helps me pull down my skinny jeans enough to reveal the wound. I put the flame against the wound and let out yet another scream. Soon enough I throw the lighter to the side and I let a few tears slip. Chris wraps my leg and I look around the room.

Avery looks like he is going to vomit.
"You good Twig?" I ask. He nods then shakes his head and quickly leans over a trash can. I chuckle, "I told you guys this tour was going to be eventful, didn't I?"

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