Oc info 😄

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Quinn komori


Mother- unknown
Father- unknown
Adopted father- alive
Adopted sister- alive (unfortunately)

Hell Dragon and Angelic Dragon

Her pet wolf lunar, sweets, music, anything black, Kanato, Reiji, Subaru, and shu

Laito, Ayato, Yui (because she's an ass), anything pink, sour food, fangirls, loud people, stupid people, anyone that touches her candy🍬

Outfit and looks:
Quinn looks like the picture above outfit and all

(As you can tell I do curse if you don't like it then don't read. Also this is my first book so I don't know how good this will be but I hope you like it. Oh I should mention that I'm making Yui a horrible person towards Quinn I dont hate yui I just wanted to make her a bitch I also wanted to make her have two different types of dragon DNA in her so I gave her that Angelic Dragon cause why not)

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