This Always Happens

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            17 years later

"Carla I'm not changing schools again." I say frustrated.

This is my mother Carla...thanks to Iris my guardian Angel I have two lovely parents Ben and Carla to take care of me. But sometimes their a pain in the butt.

"Sweetheart you have to...and you have to change your identity also."

"I'm not changing my identity again ....and your certainly not gonna change my name!" I argue.

"Amelia I wasn't planning to change your name sweety.....but I have to change how you look."

"I'm not changing how I look and I'm certainly not leaving schools again...I didn't do anything wrong." I pace around the family room.

I'm Thea Zamora Amelia Kennedy.

And I'm not human.

This is my life.

Welcome to hell.

Every time I mess up I have to move to a different school.
I've been to different schools five times and if she's being serious this is gonna be the sixth time.

It's not like I have friends anyway.
It's for their own good.
But those slutty cheer whores had to mess up my life.

"Amelia you fought off all the cheerleaders on your schools cheer squad, all by your self....and you didn't even get injured, how did you do that?!"

"Mom I was only practising." I plop myself on the couch in the family room.

"You can't practise on cheerleaders Amelia sweetheart their people too." she cups my face with her hands.

"Says who?!" I try to raise an eyebrow but I end up squishing an eye shut and furrowing my eyebrows.

These one thing I wasn't born with, the skill to raise and eyebrow.

Such an easy task, but yet still I can fight off a mob of sparkly demon sluts.

"Oh Amelia darling...what am I gonna do with you."

"Nothing." I fold my Hans to my chest and quiver my bottom lip.

"Ugh that only works when Poochi does it ..and she doesn't even does anything, now come on let's get your hair changed up a bit." She drags me down the stairs gently.

At the moment I have long curly boob length hair with a brunette color going on.

At the moment I have long curly boob length hair with a brunette color going on

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I have icy blue eyes but the green eye contacts makes them look greenish blue.
Mom prefers me to wear the eye contacts because she says that they conceal my identity more.

We live in a mini mansion in the middle of no where.

Mother thinks its best we stay away from the humans and stay were we are free and can run wild.

I'm Not Humanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن