[9] (jerome)

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Mitch soon fell asleep in my arms. The rest of us Bantered around quietly until it was about 2 am. Simon stood once more and excused himself from the room. "Be right back." He said, answering his phone. "Josh, what's wrong?" I heard him say. Simon had left the room for the 4th time tonight.

Vik looked a little tired. While Lachlan was about to pass out, trying really hard not to let his eyelids slam shut. Preston had a cup of coffee in his hand, the cup was just barely empty. Rob was occupying himself with Preston's phone. "Lachlan, go to bed. You need it." I say gently, trying not to wake up Mitch.

"Are you sure, Jerome? I mean-- *yawn* I don't want to let you be the only one awake and watching Mitch." Lachlan said, interrupting himself halfway through his sentence. "Lachlan, I insist. You need sleep. Pax is in about 4 days. Go to sleep. The rest of you need to sleep. I'll wake one of you up when I'm about to pass out, okay?" I offer.

Preston shakes his head, making his eyes open slightly. "No, Jerome... You sleep. And we'll keep watch over Mitch." Preston argued. Simon walked back in. "Okay. My flight leaves tomorrow at 5 pm. You guys sleep and I'll take care of Mitch." Simon stated, sitting on the couch beside me.

I open my mouth to protest but get cut off by a yawn. "Don't even try to protest Jerome. Just sleep." Simon said bluntly. "Okay," I say, nodding. I lean back against the couch and let my eyes close slowly. "The rest of you too." Simon stated, before I close my eyes completely and go to dream land.

-/-Time Skip-\-

I wake up to crashing. I open my eyes slightly and see everyone, including Simon, passed out. I look down slightly from my position, which was laying down on a chair, and surprised myself slightly to see Mitch not there. "Mitch?" I call sleepily, not moving from my position. "I'm fine!" He called back.

I shrug and close my eyes shut again, trying to go back to sleep. It was about 5 minutes later when I heard another crash. "Mitch, what the hell are you doing?" I hear Lachlan ask irritated. "I'm... Fine!!" Mitch called back, his voice strained and laced with weak venom. I rub my eyes and grab my phone, turning it on.

I walk to the kitchen, assuming that's where he went, and look in. "Babe, it's 4:30 in the morning. What are you doing up?" I say, causing Mitch to look over at me in surprise and fling water in my face. "Oh, sorry babe.. I was doing the dishes. I couldn't sleep. What time did you go to bed?" Mitch replied.

I walk up to him and wrap my arms around his waist, pulling him closer to me. "Babe, I really only got about 2 hours of sleep... But that doesn't explain why you're up so early." I say gently. "Jerome, you should really go back to sleep, okay? I want you to be awake for tomorrow.." Mitch said.

"I know... But, I want you to sleep too baby..." I whisper, kissing his forehead and bring him close to me. "Hey now, relax... I'll go to bed only if you go to bed in an actual bed. Your back must hurt a lot, Jerome.." He said.

"Deal! But you have to ACTUALLY sleep. Don't just close your eyes and pretend to sleep, like actually fall asleep. Deal?" I stated. "Fine. Deal." He replied, and we shook hands.

Mitch finished up the dishes as quietly as possible while I went upstairs to make is a comfortable bed to sleep on. Mitch walks into the guest room I was in and lays down on the bed, taking his shirt off. I smile. 'He's actually tired now... That's good.'

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