Odd Days.

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The next morning i woke up to my alarm going off I tapped on my phone so that it will stop it's about 7:15 I get out the bed and head to the show but of course it was in use right now because of Keyshawn. I waited at the door till I couldn't wait no long.

"Keyshawn come on I need to get in the shower to"

Just then she shower turned off and he came out then I went in. I took a good 10 minute shower lord knows I need that when I got out I wet my curly natural hair then put it into the pineapple style. I peek out the door to see if Keyshawn was then he wanted I then quickly put on my outfit of the day which was a white tank top light blue jeans and my air Jordan gammas 11s. I put on some makeup got all my things and headed out with Keyshawn. We met up with Monica. After we stopped by my locker the bell rung it's time for 1st period. As we was sitting down in our seats which was in the back the teacher was telling everyone to be quiet while she talked.

"Good morning everyone today we have a new student"

I look up and see a tall brown skin dude standing in front of class he had nice curly hair and light brown eyes lord knows he was fine of course all the hoes was flocking damn this man haven't even been in class for 10 minutes and they already trying to get at him. I snap out of my thoughts when I hear him talking.

"My name is Xavier I'm 18 years old and I like too play basketball"

"Good now mr Davis you can go sit by ms stone um raise your hand ms stone"

I put my hand up slowly and he walks too the back I promise these girls can not keep there eyes off him he talks a seat right next too lord my heart starts pumping like I'm running a marathon. He then speaks too me

"Hey lil mama what's your name"

"Fat ass (eat)keyirra" rumi says

"Girl shut yo black ass up it look like yo mama left you in the damn oven too long" Monica says

"It's ekeyirra" I say

The teacher goes on with the lesson and all I can think about is this fine ass nigga is really sitting next to me the bell rung to let us know it's the end of class. On my way out the door I get bumped into and called names but I brush it off and go to my next class I was so caught up in my thoughts I didn't hear Moni talking to me.

"Helloooo E hey are you listening to me" she says waving her hands in my face

"Oh yeah um, what you say"

"I said if you don't want to go home after school you can come to my house"

"Naw it's ok I'll go home I need to wash my clothes but we still on for Saturday night right" I asked

"Yes of course we are" she responded

The day drags on very slowly but finally it comes to any end all day long ive been seeing Xavier fine ass it's like I can't get away from him plus he has 4 out of 7 classes with me. Boy today was a Odd Day.

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A/N: some chapters in this book are songs I will let yall know at the beginning of the chapter which has the song


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