Dreams Come to Reality (pt 2.)

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My body falls to the ground i hold my shoulder and my leg then i hear the screaming from Monica, Keyshawn, and Xavier. I'm scared am i dead?? I lay on the ground lifeless the ambulance pulls up i get picked up. In the truck i see my boyfriend and my two best friends crying. I feel pain why would someone do something so wrong over boy.

{11:45 pm}

"You guys can go on home we'll let you know if something changes" one of the doctors say

"I'm not leaving until i see my girlfriend" Xavier says while standing up

"We not going nowhere neither we will stay here all night if we got to" Monica says

"Ok fine suit yourself" he says

"I can't believe she shot her"

"I know man she gone pull through promise" Keyshawn says


"You know you should have left ekeyirra alone nun of this would have happened now my sister in the hospital bed bc of a jealous bitch" Keyshawn says then walks off

{2:20 a.m.}

I slowly open my eyes and look around. I look to my right to see Monica then my left to see Keyshawn then in front of me to Xavier. They all look so depressed and sorry for me.

"Moni" i say but barely get out

"Key baby, how you feel?? Are you okay??" She questioned

"I'm sore" i say

"Hello ms stone it's good to see that your up well we got the bullet out of your leg and shoulder but you did lost a lot of blood but, you made it. It's some officers here who would like to talk to you" the doctors says

The two police officers come into my room i already know what they gone ask me who shot me? Why they do it? What's the name? Did i want to tell them? Should i handle this myself? So many thoughts was running through my head i didn't hear the police officer talking to me

"Ms stone can you tell us who did this to you?" She asked me

I think long and hard about the question she asked.

"If i say will something be done about it cause i don't wanna say who did it and they don't go to jail or whatever you wanna call it" i responded

"Trust me hun something will be done about it. This is attempted murder" she says

I look over a Monica and she nods her head.

"Rumy Foxx did it the reason why is because she was mad cause someone actually liked me and she hated it, i don't know how long she was plotting on this ya see i get picked on everyday because of my size but a new boy showed up and he liked me so ya know the "it girl" gets mad" i answered

"That's...wow" the guy cop says

"Do you know where she lives" the lady asked

"That part I️ don't know but if you think you might find her at school" i say

"But how do you know if she will be at school" he asked

"One she thinks no one will tell on her Two she's not that smart" i say

"Thank you Ms stone you will have justice" he says

"I hope so" i say as they leave

"You did a good thing Key" moni says

"Yeah well now i hope that bitch gets what's coming to her" i say "can y'all give me and Xavier some time alone"

"Sure" they both say walking out

"Xav—" i begin

"Don't say nothing baby I'm so sorry that i did this to you I'm sorry i couldn't stop it  I'm sorry that i got her number and for letting her give me top I'm sorry for not protecting you I'm just sorry" he started to cry

I couldn't help but feel like it was his fault i don't want to put it all on him. He feels guilty should i ??

"Stop Xavier please it's just another female that was jealous of what we got but i would never thought that they will be crazy enough to do something" i say

"I love you so much baby" he says

The doctor come back in

"So Ms stone i feel like this is a good time to tell you" she says

"Tell me what" i start to get nervous

"Your pregnant 3 weeks in" She says

I look at Xavier then back at her like she was crazy me pregnant I'm so shook i can't help but be shook.

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Sorry for the late update ☺️☺️

Symone 🏳️‍🌈

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