Fluff Prompts

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Contradicting my last chapter, here's a list of some fluffy prompts that might be able to inspire you!


- Person A noticed how Person B is having trouble falling asleep, so they try to help them (GIMME SOME CUDDLES)

- "You are so, unbelievably, breathtaking right now."

- Person A makes up tons of excuses to hold Person B's hand

- *With a stupid grin on their face* "I love it when you laugh."

- Person A, someone who can't cook at all, attempts to cook for Person B

- "Your favorite band is _______? Mine is too... pfft, yeah I've heard of them."

- Person A and Person B dancing around the kitchen at 2 in the morning

- "If you try to tickle me one more time, I swear, you will not get another kiss for a week."

- Person A loves to sing in the shower, Person B can't help but listen

- "I don't want to forget this moment."

- Person A and Person B go on a date to an aquarium

- "Here's a concept... me and you married."

- Person A decides to throw a surprise birthday party for Person B

- "Here, take my jacket."

- Person A gets sick and Person B stays home to take care of them

- "This is definitely going on Snapchat."

- Person A and Person B go on vacation to Hawaii

- "Wanna bet?"

- Person A tries to teach Person B how to dance

- "I brought you dinner."

- Person A and Person B decide to use their day off to cuddle and watch movies all day

- "I fall more in love with you each day."

- Person A and Person B driving up and down the streets to catch a Dragonair in Pokémon Go

- "I'll carry you if you're that tired."

- Person A loses a bet to Person B and has to dye their hair some bright, neon color for a week

- "I'm not leaving this booth until I win that stupid stuffed animal you want... No, I don't care how much money it takes!"

- Person A begins to notice some of their clothing has gone missing... wait, that sweater on Person B looks familiar...

- "You smell nice."

- Person A and Person B deicide it's time for them to get a pet, they're practically parents now!

- "Stop hogging all the blankets!"

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