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"She looks so cute" Candice squelled. It was currently a week after the barbique. First day of school for me. Hunter got me a phone in case of emergency. Hunter came in the room and looked taken a back a bit by the dress I was wearing. It was long and sky blue. It covered all my scars. Candice even put cover up to hide the scar on my neck. They had dyed my hair brown. Instead of it blondish color and I wore contacts to hide my blue eyes. They were now brown.

"Knock knock" Micheal said coming in. I looked up at him. He smiled.

"Ready" Micheal asked. I nodded. He grabbed my hand.

"You better take care of her" Hunter said. I grabbed my new bag, putting only one strap on. Micheal laughed.

"Will do" He said. I followed him out. Once outside he released my hand. I just followed him. As we neared I saw Samuel and Travis. I lowered my head.

"What are you doing with that trash Micheal" Samuel asked. 

"Yo Micheal wanna hang out after school" Someone called. A guy ran up. Micheal hugged him.

"Nah sorry man I have to walk a new elementary student home" Micheal said. The boy held out his hand to me. I moved away. He frowned.

"Micheal hey how was your weekend" Another guy came jogging up. I moved closed to Micheal.

"Well whos this cutie" The guy asked. I stared at him. He had a shaved cut so I couldn't tell the color. His eyes were brown but I knew that he was like Micheal. I grabbed hold of Micheals arm.

"This is Sylvia. Don't take it the wrong way guys but I am gonna hang out with her for a few days. Shes new and I promised her uncle and aunt that I would protect her. Shes already met a few jerks here" Micheal said.

"Let her hang out with us. She seems like a cutie" He said.

"She is when shes being nice" Micheal said. I looked at the first boy that had come up to us. He smiled.

"She doesnt look like she can hurt a fly" He said. I released Micheals arms. I glared at the boy and walked over toward Travis.

"Sylvia what are you do-" Before he could finish. I swung my leg up hitting Travis where it hurts the most. He fell clutching himself. I walked over to Micheal.

"Ouchy" The two boys said in unison.

"I gotta get Sylvia to her class" Micheal grabbed my hand and started pulling me. I followed. When we walked into the three story building it grew warm.

"Be good Sylvia. No hitting people" Micheal said.

"I prove my point" I whispered. He chuckled.

"Sylvia I will come in and check on you on all my breaks okay. Stay away from the boys. If your not there I will hunt you down" He said. I jumped up and hugged him. He hugged back.

"See ya" He said. I walked into my classroom.

"Ah you must be Sylvia Dunrite" A women said. I nodded. She led me to a desk.

"This is gonna be your desk for this school year" She said. I smiled at her. It was a boring day. But I listened. I noticed Micheal a few times. He smiled at me. After the bell ring I gathered my stuff.

"How did you like your first day Sylvia" The teacher Mrs. Piper asked. I gave her two thumbs up. I walked out. Micheal had told me to meet him outside. I found the door easily.

"Hey girly" Samuel said from behind me. I ran through the door only to smack into a hard chest. I fell back onto my butt. I looked up to see one of the guys from this morning. I crawled behind him and looked at the door. Samuel came walking out.

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