The Rose

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Lance groans as the pair walk through the cave.
"I can't believe Allura made me go in this dumb cave with you."
"Lance, its not like I wanna go with you either. Lets just get whatevers in here and leave."
The two enter a large area of the cave and see a glowing purple light. Keith walks forward and grabs it
"Its a...flower?"
The thorns prick him and purple liquid covers his hand.
"What is this stuff?"
Keith's eyes glow and he looks to Lance.
"Keith stop messing around, we have to go."
Keith smiles at the other paladin fondly.
Keith cuddles himself into Lance's side and starts giggling
"Oh no." Lance groans, blushing.
Keith sniffs Lance softly.
"You smell good..."
Lance blushes and picks Keith up.
"Guys we have a problem..."
Keith nuzzles in Lance's neck, looking up.
"You're very pretty...." Keith sighs
"And I smell good, I know."
Keith had put the flower in his hair earlier and it glowed brighter at his next words
"Kiss me."
"Why not?....Scared, Lancey Lance?"
Keith tilts Lance's chin so he's looking down at him. He leans in and presses his lips on Lance's. Lance freezes.
"What's wrong, sweetheart? D-do you not like me?" Keith says, pulling away. Lance watchs Keith's face fall.
"N-no! I like you; dont be sad!" He rushs out.
"So, more kisses?"
"Guys, head back to the ship."
Shiro's voice crackles through the comm.
"On our way, Shiro" Lance replies, he turns to Keith.
"I have to get us to the ship; so could the lip on lip kisses wait?"
Keith nods and lays his head on Lance's shoulder. Lance starts walking and is almost to the castle once he feels Keith's lips on his neck; kissing him softly. Lance's face turns red but he keeps walking. The rest of the team greets them as they enter the common room.
"What's wrong with Keith?" Hunk asks
"Nothing's wrong silly, why'd you think that?" Keith asks; cuddling into Lance's arms further.
"We got the rose; but it pricked Keith and then he started acting like this." Lance looks at his full arms that are unable to make the gesture he was going for.
"Keith, could I put you down?"
Keith nods against his chest. Lances sets him down softly and Keith clings to him; feet on the ground this time.
"Rose?" Allura asks.
"Yeah, ya know? Glowing pinkish flower?" Lance pulls the rose out of Keith's hair.
"Lance, put it down!" Allura says quickly after seeing the rose.
"What, im not gonna prick myself ir anything I'm not stupi...ow!"
More purple liquid oozed out and into Lance's cut.
"Lance are you okay?" Keith asks, grabbing his finger.
"I'm alright now, I've got my sugarbear with me" Lance coos and kisses Keith's head.
"You scared me, baby. Nasty thorns" Keith says head on Lance's chest. Lance wraps his arms tightly around Keith.
"Its fine; nothing could hurt when I'm with you."
The team groans.
"How do we fix this?" Pidge pipes up as she looks to Allura.
"We could...seperate them?"
Hunk and Shiro look at one another before each grabbing one of the paladins and dragging them away from each other. The pair immediately started to struggle.
"Hunk! Let me go! Get off me! Keith! Keith!" Lance screams as he kicks and thrashes; trying to get back to Keith. Keith was struggling twice as hard; and crying.
"Shiro! He needs me! Get off me! Lance! Shiro please!"
"Let them go." Coran's voice booms.
The two release their arms and the blue and red paladins practically crash into one another. Keith wraps himself around Lance as the cuban boy wipes away his tears.
"Shh, its okay" Lance coos and kisses Keith softly.
"What were you thinking! What you did could've killed them!" Coran yells.
"I-I did not know Coran, I'm sorry."
"Woah, killed them?" Hunk butts in
"Yes; luckily they'll be fine. We have to let the effects run their course."
The group lookedat the two boys curled up against each other.
"This is going to be...intresting"
"Try disgusting."
"Sorry Shiro."
Word Count: 696

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