Hell in the form of 2 gays

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"Did you eat enough, babe?" Keith asks the boy who he's currently sitting on.
"Definitely; but I want desert."
"What do you want?"
"How bout you gimmie some sugar, sugar?"
Keith leans up and kisses Lance, softly swiping his tounge along Lance's soft bottom lip. Lance hums into the kiss and opens his mouth before the pair are cut off.
"Keith, Lance could you contain yourselves a bit while at the table?" Shiro asks, sighing
"I guess, let's head to my room, Keithy baby..." Lance half whispers the last part.
Keith giggles. Giggles. Lance cant handle it; the others cant either. Lance grabs Keith and tugs him out the room and the other paladins groan
"I cant do it Shiro, Im gonna kill them." Pidge whispers; blank faced.
"Hey c'mon now, Katie. We're like that." Shiro says nudging her
"Yeah, in PRIVATE. Its different!"
(Sorry if you dont like shidge. Theyre all over 18 in this fic; please dont call me a pedophile)
"Alright, but you werent infected by a love-flower-thing" Shiro says, pulling her close.
"S-shiro! Not infront of the team...." Pidge whines. Its not that she doesnt like Shiro being affectionate, she just doesnt like the others seeing the gooey stuff. Its their private stuff and thats how Pidge likes it. Shiro chuckles.
"Right, sorry Katie." Shiro says softly
"Its fine; you dont have to avoid me like a plauge. I just dont wanna be like those two infront of everyone.
"Well then lets get away from everyone, watch a movie, I'll rub your shoulders, you work yourself too hard, Katie." Shiro murmurs into her ear.
"We're going to settle in for the night, see you guys later!" Pidge says pulling Shiro out of the dining hall.
"Hunk, you might wanna make sure Keith and Lance don't fuck!" Pidge adds before the door closes.
"Oh boy; she's right." Hunk says and stands.
"Hunk, wait. There's um something we should tell you."
"Hunk please relax, the flowers poison will leave their system afterwards."
"But they'll regret it! They hate one another!" Hunk argues
"Actually, they dont. " Coran butts in.
"What do you mean?"
"The flowers poison only makes you fall for someone you already have feelings for. So they've been in love the entire time."
"Mmm, Lance. That feels good" Keith groans into the pillow.
"Relax, baby. You're tense. You train too much."
Lance digs his hand into Keith's bare back, sliding his hands to his shoulders.
"Why did you start giving me a massage anywa- oh right there." Keith groans.
"You're back was full of knots when we were cuddling; you know I can't let my sugarbear suffer" Lance coos.
"Mmm it does feel nice" Keith sighs
"Im gonna move to your legs okay?" Lance asks
"Whatever makes you happy babe"
Keith yelps as he feels the hands on his ass
"You did say whatever makes me happy, sweetpea." Lance says and Keith can hear the grin in his voice.
"Mmhm; go ahead"
"What do you think Keith and Lance are doing?" Pidge asks, sighing.
Shiro continues to rub her shoulders gently
"I dont know; dont care to when i have the best girlfriend ever with me."
Katie flops into shiro's chest.
"You're so cheesy, Kashi."
"You love it"
"Yeah...I really do."
Its at that moment Hunk bursts in
"Keith and Lance have to fuck."
"Well there goes our night. What do you mean, Hunk?" Pidge groans
"The only way to get them back to normal is for them to fuck."
"Then we get them to have sex, are you done? We were gonna watch a movie."
"How are we gonna do that?"
"I'll tell you tomorrow; now get out."
"Right; sorry Pidge."
Word Count: 629

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