Homework (Masaru x Nagisa)

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Okay so this is a non despair AU so I will NOT completely  use the kids' backstories but I will omit the abuse to make them happy normal kids because they don't desetve it 😢. Also I'm currently writing this on my phone so I'll fix everything I likely fucked up soon I promise. Also wtf is it so hard to find masaru and nagisa pics damn.

As the school bell rang, Nagisa remained within the quickly emptying classroom as he studied quietly in his seat at the front of the room. He waved goodbye to his best friends : Monaca, Kotoko and Jataro as the three left the room together.

He sighed and pouted slightly. He wanted to go with them but his parents were pretty strict when it came to studying so because it was the middle of the week, he couldn't go with them. He grumbled quietly before attempting to return to his studies, however his eyes caught a familiar figure standing by his desk, who had not joined the crowd.

"Um, er, u-uh," Masaru stuttered with a flushed face, eyes looking everywhere but at Nagisa.

Nagisa raised a blue brow. Since when does the 'Hero' of the school stutter? He has literally seen him jump into the pool in his clothes and still not bat an eye at the teachers' and nurse's scolding, even going as far to give the rest of them a carefree grin.

"Hey N-Nagisa. C-c-c-Could you maybe, um, h-h-help me w-with my h-h-homework?" Masaru stuttered, holding onto his bookbag with an iron clad grip, face like as red as an angry, teenaged mutated reptile martial artist's mask.

Nagisa nodded, confusion and surpise shining in crystal blue eyes as studied his best friend's expression.

"Sure, is there any particular subject that you don't get?" He asked, trying to get the other to meet his eyes but alas, the tiles had won in that competion.

"Um, Math, I think."

With a nod and a slightly worried expression, he began to help Masaru with his math homework.


After about half an hour, he realised something very important and essential.

Masaru Daimon was very, very good at Mathematics.

"Masaru, you seem to be very intelligent when it comes to math. Why exactly did you even need my help?" Nagisa asked.

Masaru looked away, fiddling with his hands, face completely red.

"Masaru? Are you alright? Are you running a fever? Maybe I should take you to the nurse's office," Nagisa said, small pale hand on Masaru's forhead, to which the other blushed even harder, if that was even physically possible at this point.

"N-no!!!! I-i-it's alright! I'm fine!! Really!!!" Masaru quickly said, hands moving rapidly.

".... Fine. But you have to tell me what's going on," Nagisa said sternly.

"O-okay," Masaru said quietly.

"So?" Nagisa asked, near impaitently.

"Well, um, p-promise you won't hate me, okay?" Masaru said, still not looking at him.

"Okay?" Nagisa said. Why would he hate him?

Masaru took a deep breath before quickly giving Nagisa a breif but firm peck on the lips.

They sat in silence, Nagisa too shocked at what just happened and Masaru likely too embarrassed  to break the silence himself.

"I'll just leave then," Masaru said dejectedly after a minute of awkard silence, certain that he had been rejected.

As he stood a small, dainty hand grabbed onto his shirt.

"So I take it that y-you like me?" Nagisa asked, stuttering slightly.

Masaru nodded timidly.

A soft smile and a red blush crossed Nagisa's face.

"I like you too," Nagisa said, earning a shocked, hopeful, wide eyed stare from the redhead.


Nagisa smiled at his enthusiasm and nodded.

Masaru gave a large grin before giving the lankly child a hug which Nagisa eagerly returned.

"So are we going out now?!" Masaru asked eagerly.

"If you want to," Nagisa said.

Nagisa laughed lightly as the other gave an excited nod.

The two children shared another kiss, this one just as innocent and sweet as the first, however longer.


"Masaru!!! You confessed!! You two are totes adorbs together!!!" Kotoko gushed when she and the others caught their joined hands.

"Monaca thinks you two are a nice fit!" Monaca smiled genuinely.

"You guys are good together," Jataro said, smiling happily, his features not covered by the mask his mother gave him when he was younger as a present for once.

Ok so this done!!! 😃

Fun fact: I made another fic and was going to put that up but then cringed as I was editing it and made this instead. Lol.

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