Stable Love of The Mentally Unstable (Komahina, Soudam)

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(((Okay so I'm swamped with work rn. School's reaalllyyy killing me. I've had this idea for like two weeks and only recently found time to type it. Also for those who are reading Plastic Promises. I am especially sorry but it is NOT abandoned by any means. I just havent had the time. Also the art here is mine. My deviantart name is on Kaz's thigh. ))


Two omegan males walked side by side down the bustling streets. They both had two bags with each of them, as they smiled and joked while they walked to their destination, the route engrained into their minds.

One of two had bubblegum coloured gems for eyes. bright pink locks that peaked from a dark beanie, with a small braid on one side. He wore a blue short sleeved shirt with a hot pink hood and a thin yellow long sleeved shirt underneath, the outfit finished with dark blue skinny jeans and yellow sneakers. He snickered into his free hand as he listened to his friend's current story.

His friend had dark, brown spikes with one that remained upwards with  jade orbs for eyes. He was dressed in a   a white button up with a green string forming a bow serving as a tie. His ansoble was compleated with black jeans and a green jacket.

"You gotta be fucking with me, Hajime," The pinkette, Kazuichi chuckled out, "She really did that?"

"Totally, Junko is really out her mind alright," Hajime grinned. "You should've seen their faces when..."

Their idle conversation continued before stopping outside of a building. They walked inside,greeting the receptionist as they past, no need to bother asking where what was, they both had it memorized.

Walking towards a door with small pixelations didsplaying the room's current inhabitants, Hajime knocked on the door, more out of courtesy and warning for those inside than to ask permission to enter.

"Nagito, Gundham, it's Hajime and Kazuichi!" He called, "We're coming in!"

As the brunette opened the door, two figures were revealed, one with black  hair with gray highlights styled upwards and a scar over his gray eye with the other eye being a pietcing blood red. The other had snow white messy hair splayed all over the place as well as washed out green eyes. Both  wore incredibly plain with shirts and jeans.

The whitette, however, was wearing a straight jacket and the dual toned teen had bandages going all the way up his arms.

"Ah! Hajime and Kazuichi. Hello!" The white haired alpha, Nagito, breathed out, sitting up from his laying and walked towards them, well Hajime, nuzzling the other happily, seemingly uncaring of the fact that he had no use of his arms at the moment.

Hajime smiled softly, before heading over to the taller's bed, setting down the bag he brought with him carefully before hugging the other properly, the latter practically puring at the comforting touch of his boyfriend.

While this was happening, Kazuichi walked over to Gundham, putting his bag down as well before sitting down next to the other.

"My Dark Queen, you have returned to grace me with your uplifting existence. Your angelic presence has taken my heart from the depths of the deepest pits of the underworld to rest with your own heavenly heart," Gundham said, his arms wrapped around the other in a tight embrace, head resting on the smaller's.

"Oh, Gundham, I got a surprise for you!" Kazuichi said before four rodents crawled from his pockets and the bag.

"My Devas!" Gundham exclaimed in surprise. A grin spread on his face before he thanked his pink haired lover who smiled wholeheartedly at his unguarded, happy expression.

A few minutes passed in silence, both couples simply getting reaccustomed to seeing each other. The two omegas got up after a while, much to their respective lovers' confusion.

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