Chapter One

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Important!! This book contains sensitive content Please do not read if you are uncomfortable with abuse and self harm!


"Hope, come here." A stern voice said making me jump. I knew who it was, and every word made my heart beat faster. I got up from the floor which I was currently cleaning. I walked over to my chief. My eyes on the ground. 

"Hope, what took you so long!" He said less than pleased. I didn't even bother to answer, I knew that if I did I would get beat or worse. 

"We are having quests today, I want you to clean the Great Hall in preparation for their arrival." I nodded ready to go off finish the floor, then go to the Great Hall and prepare it. 

"One more thing. I need you to make the food. I want raw fish there. Our quest is bringing dragons and we can afford to displease this chief." I nodded once again my eyes still to the floor. 

"You better not mess up. If you do, it's a nice long night of beatings." He said turning to walk away. I hurried and ran back to the floor and clean it of the blood. When I finished I quickly ran to the Great Hall. I tried to avoid anyone that may be walking around. 

When I made it to the Great Hall there were a bunch of people inside. I knew that they wouldn't move or help me, so I once again kept my head low and walked in and started to get to work. It took a while, but I finally managed to clean the floors, wash the tables, and set them accordingly. I sighed, I was finally done with the work that I was told to do, but my day wasn't over. It was about Noon and I knew that this room was going to get messed up. But I always had more chores to do. I had to go home, clean up the house. I will then have to go clean out the well that's in the middle of the village. And if it's clean then I have to add more water into it after I empty out the salt. That takes about 2 to 4 hours depending on how much water is needed. I would also have to repair homes that were damaged during dragon attacks. I just have a lot on my plate. I never complain about it, if I did I would be starved and beaten. I found it a lot more beneficial when I didn't look people in the eyes and didn't complain. 

'That's right... I have to make dinner too.' I thought as I started to walk into the kitchen of the Great Hall. There was no one there which was good for me. It just means that I get to work alone with no one to bother me. 

About 3 hours passed and I had finally finished making all of the best recipes that I know. I even left a plate of raw fish in the fridge. I was able to take fish from the fisherman that were working I told them why I needed them, and they would rather help me with the fish than get into trouble with the chief. 

I was honestly proud of myself. My 'happiness' was short lived. I had forgotten the time. I started to food at noon, and it was now about 3. Meaning the guests were arriving now and I forgot to fix the Great Hall again. I prayed to Thor that it was fixable in time, but like always there were a group of kids who were pushing things over and ripping things up. I screamed in my head. 

'Why do they keep doing this to me?' I asked myself. But really what was I thinking. Today has been one of the best days of my life. No one has bothered me, hit me, threaten me. I was just doing work, so I should be glad this is it. But yet again I have to speak to soon. 

John walked into the Great Hall with a rather irritated look on his face. I instantly looked at the ground. His thundering footsteps led to me. I flinched when he raised a hand to me. I knew what was coming. 

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