Chapter 5: Heartbreak

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Author's Note: So, I had to break chapter four and chapter five into two separate chapters as it was very long. So with that being said, there's double the story for today. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!

One month later

A lot has happened within a month's time. While (Name) and Sousuke were limited in seeing each other, their love was just as strong. Rei and (Name)'s relationship began to progress. Makoto, Haru and (Name) were on their way into their third year of school. Seijuro graduated from Samezuka Academy and left Rin to be the new swim team captain. Rin and (Name)'s relationship has gone back to how it had been from when they were kids. She did bring it up to Sousuke that she met up with Rin on a few occasions but nonetheless he knew well enough to trust her and his friend, even if he hasn't seen Rin yet. There comes a time that everything in life overlaps with one another and soon, everything will be connected.


"Take your seats," the teacher announced to Rin's class in Samezuka Academy as the teacher entered the classroom.

Rin had already been seated in his chair while he sent a text message to (Name). He quickly placed his phone into his pocket as his teacher stood in front of the podium that was placed in the middle of the classroom. The teacher grabbed his attendance book as he grabbed a piece of chalk from pocket. "Today I'd like to introduce a new transfer student."

The teacher began writing the said transfer student's name onto the chalkboard as a tall figure entered the class. "This is Yamazaki Sousuke-kun who is transferring here from Tokyo. Please make him feel welcome, class."

Sousuke's teal eyes glanced around the classroom as he took note of every unfamiliar face. His eyes landed on a particular person who had maroon hair. His teal colored orbs locked with Rin's own red ones as they stared at one another. Rin looked confused and stunned as he stared at the new student of his class. "Sousuke," Rin repeated the onyx haired male's name in surprise.

Sousuke just stared at him as a smirk fell onto his face. If it was one thing Sosuke knew, he sure knew how make an entrance.


After class was over, Sousuke and Rin walked out together towards the courtyard. Neither one said anything to one another as they walked a good distance. Sousuke stopped just as Rin turned to face him. They stared at each over for a long period until Rin extended his arm out at the same time Sousuke did. If anyone else had seen, it would've looked like they were about to fight but in reality they were giving each other their childhood secret handshake. Both of the males burst into laughter as they fist-pumped each other. "It's been awhile Sousuke," Rin chirped at his childhood friend.

"Yeah; five years, isn't it?" Sousuke acknowledged as Rin looked at him with a confused expression.

"Why would transfer schools at this time of year though?" Rin questioned curiously.

"You're one to talk; you were the one that transferred in the middle of winter when we were in sixth grade!" Sousuke retorted as they walked down and sat on a small set of stairs.

"Yeah, I guess I did," Rin admitted with a defeated smile. "So what brings you to Samezuka? Weren't you going to a school in Tokyo with a strong swim team?"

"Well, I have my reasons," Sousuke simply stated as he glanced down at his sneakers.

"What're you being so vague for?" Rin inquired suspiciously. "That's not like you."

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