Chapter 6: Truth and Determination

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Author's Note: Thank you for the votes! I will do my best to update as fast as I can but I am going back to work tomorrow as the way I'm going to work is no longer flooded. Anyways, I hope all of you have enjoy this chapter and if someone notices any mistakes, go ahead and let me know I'll fix it as I'm running on coffee at the moment. :)

Rin said nothing to his friend Sousuke as they entered the dormitories from their recent event. His mind still couldn't wrap around the idea of his two friends dating and for five years nonetheless. Momo and Ai were already in their room just as Rin and Sousuke entered their across the hallway. They had chosen their housing arrangement the day prior and Rin could already feel the uneasiness in the room. "I never would have thought that you and (Name) would have ended up together," Rin commented begrudgingly as he went to lie in his bed in the lower bunk.

Sousuke turned to look at Rin had his body faced towards the wall. Sousuke's brows furrowed together as confusion enveloped him. Why did Rin seem upset about him dating (Name)? It's almost as if he was bothered by their relationship. "Rin, are you upset about my relationship with (Name)?" Sousuke asked as knelt down to look at the maroon haired male facing away from him.

"Of course not," Rin lied as he still stayed in his position. "Now excuse me, I'm going to take a nap."

Sousuke's teal eyes narrowed as he said nothing and got up onto his feet. "Alright then," Sousuke replied as he opened the door of their room and exited it.

Sousuke didn't know what to think; Rin didn't have to say anything as he knew right then and there that the maroon haired male was lying. Sousuke's known him long enough to know his behavior patterns. He pulled out his phone as he knew there was one person he could talk to about this. "Oi, can you come to Samezuka?"


"Do you really think that's what it is?" (Name) repeated as she sat beside Sousuke on a wooden outside of the Samezuka Academy

Sousuke clenched his teeth in frustration as he didn't know what to think. He felt (Name) place her small hand over his large one and gave it a gentle squeeze. "I'm sure he feels awkward as we were friends at some point and it may affect us if we ever had problems with one another," (Name) theorized. "I mean, wouldn't you feel awkward if I had ended up dating Rin?"

"Oi," Sousuke challenged, "Don't finish that thought."

(Name) giggled softly as she placed her head on Sousuke's shoulder. "You shouldn't worry though," (Name) blushed as she felt her heart swell with happiness. "Because I promise to always be by your side."

Sousuke turned his head to look at his girlfriend. She was his rock, his partner. That's something that hasn't changed over the past eight years they've known each other including the five years they've been dating. "It's getting late," (Name) informed as she stood up from the bench.

Sousuke felt her warmth leave from him as she turned around to look at him. "I'll take you home," Sousuke suggested as he stood up as well. "I don't want you going by yourself at this time."

"Thank you," (Name) thanked as the pair began walking down the direction of the bus station.


Rei shuffled tiredly from the kitchen towards the restroom as his father watched through the peephole of the front door. "What's going on?" Rei whispered to his father Hio.

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