In Sickness and In Health

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So, this particular story isn't new

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So, this particular story isn't new. It is in fact posted in my Sasha Roiz story section. I thought to differentiate between my writings and reader requests, I would make a special section just for the requests. So here is the special section of requests. More stories by request are to follow.

@TheNyancat469: Thank you for your patience with me. This is a long time coming. I hope you like.

You had been working like crazy as it was end of tax season coming up and you had your finals near the end of tax season as well. It made it hard to make sure everything was taken care and making sure you aced your finals.

Your work load was crazy this tax season with taking on extra clients. It didn't help that you decided to take the hard courses for school this semester to get them over with. Economics and statistics were not your favourite and you really struggled with them. You had taken on the extra clients as you were saving up.

You and your husband, Sasha, had decided that you were going to buy a house together. With the housing market exploding, the down payment wasn't as reasonable as it was several years ago. Both of you were working hard to save up to get that house. You both didn't mind a house that required renovations. You both found a fixer upper house had a bit of an allure. You two had many plans mapped out for how you would fix up a house to a design that suited both of you.

You had been burning the candle at both ends completing taxes for your clients. Business taxes were so complicated. So many credits, benefits and rules. Every year the rules changed. What was acceptable last year, was not acceptable this year. And new rules were introduced this year to give tax benefits. It made taxes a complete and utter nightmare. But you loved it. The concrete balance sheet for each client made the labyrinth of taxes fun to complete. It gave you such satisfaction when a statement had been completed and sent off.

You had woken up that morning aching everywhere, head pounding and feeling nauseated and dizzy. You had just taken your temperature and realized you officially sick. The fever confirmed it. You were so grateful that you didn't have any classes today and that the you still had another week to finish the taxes of your last-minute clients.

Weaving your way to the kitchen, you open the cupboard above the stove hood and grab some medicine. Opening the bottle, you shake out two tablets. You grab a glass of water and down the medicine. Putting the bottle of medicine back in the cabinet, you close the door and weave your way back to your bedroom, bringing a bowl in case you happen to go past nausea and into puking. Crawling into bed, you close your eyes and fall fast asleep.

Sasha exited the airplane with a sigh of relief. He was so happy to be home. Well, almost home. He heads through security and over to the baggage claim. He frowns as he reaches the baggage claim. He looks around him, perturbed. He doesn't see you anywhere. He checks his phone now that he is back on the ground, but he has no new messages.

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