Birthday Surprise

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This story is for mapocalyth. I am truly sorry for how long you  had to wait for this. I hope you like. And yes the second request will be written. :-)

To the readers: This is a departure from my norm. This is a reader x David Giuntoli.

(For those of you who want it as Sasha, the Sasha Roiz version is over on my Sasha Roiz imagines)

Any spelling or grammatical issues - I am sorry. I tried my best to go over it.

 I tried my best to go over it

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"So what should we do to surprise mama for her birthday?" your husband, David asks his twin sons, as the three of them get in the car.

The kids buckle their seatbelts in place, their faces masks of concentration for ideas. "Well, mom really likes those weird foreign cartoons, we could get her one of those," one of them offer.

The other son is brow is still furrowed in thought. "That's a great idea," David praises him. He glances at the rearview mirror to his other son. He knew that he couldn't rush him or interrupt his thought process. He was on the quieter side for a kid. He was always watching and absorbing. He always thought before he acted. He was steadfast. His other son, acted before he looked, was always jumping in headfirst into situations. He smiled to himself in thought on how different his sons were yet they were very close and supportive of each other. These were not bickering brothers like you often see portrayed in movies.

"Well," his other son finally breaks his silence, "mama, has told us about this one cat she had before we born and how much she misses this cat and how awesome she was. Why don't we get her a cat? It would be nice to get a cat."

And there it is, David thought to himself, his lips twitching in a smile. The kids had been asking for a cat for a year now and the answer was always no. Cats were a lot of responsibility and he didn't want the responsibility to fall to you as he was often away for work and he knew the kids were a handful and wouldn't be consistent in taking care of a pet. He pondered the idea anyway. You had expressed several times over the years how much you missed having a cat.

"Hmm, that is an idea we can talk about," he said cautiously, "but we will have to talk about later as we are almost home." He glanced in the rearview mirror to see both his sons pump their arms in victory. He smiled in amusement at his sons, shaking his head. "Love you guys," he says to them.

"Love you too, Dad!" they answer in unison. He pulls into the driveway of the house you two bought shortly before the twins were born. Parking the car, he unbuckles and says, "Who can go hug mama the fastest?"

His sons unbuckle their seatbelts and race out of the car, forgetting to shut the door in their haste. He grins to himself. He shuts their doors and makes his way up the walkway into the house. He hears you shout in surprise as he imagines you being bowled over by the hugs from your two sons. "Hi, mama!" he hears them say to you, as he enters the house.

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