Can I Bawl?

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Feelings aren't something Jack was good at. He ranged from emotional to emotionally dead and it even confused himself. It always got worse when he had a relationship.

Relationships were complicated and over bearing. Honestly they were far more trouble that they would ever be worth, but they were something that helped keep him grounded.

Jack has bipolar issues as well, and it's painfully obvious the more you knew him.

Jack was a monster through an through and he had grown to accept that with in the year of his change to becoming the host of Chernobel. Though he was a monster, he still was first and foremost, human. That was the biggest issue.

The monster in him left him uncaring and hungry. It helped him focus on any task he wanted to get done and left him irritable when someone or something got in the way. His human was more laid back, and shockingly more social. Don't mistake that for the face he was a social butterfly, he was still a recluse, but he knew he could have a good conversation time to time with others.

One of them being a very stubborn, childish, clingy, talkitive, annoying, handsome, caring, god damn asshole known as Mel. Jack had figured that Mel wasn't really his full name, but he never quite bothered to learn the thing despite their relationship.


Jack was dating a man named Mel, or what ever his real name was.

Mel is probably the most problematic relationship he's ever god damn had, but he was also the longest. Mel understood him. Mel was also a monster. Mel had the patience of a saint or some shit.

Jack knew trying to eat Mel would result in a painful regeneration later, so it was something to satisfy the monster from once again ending a relationship. Mel was stronger than Jack and could also mask his scent, so surprise attacks and over powering him with brute force would also be out of the question.

Jack hated being stuck with Mel.

It was so fucking annoying. He didn't need a whelping pleb like Mel to fucking be glued to his damn hip 24/7 needing affection like a puppy.

Jack loved being together with Mel.

He was comforting, familar, and guaranteed. Mel wasn't going to leave him no matter how ugly or vicious he acted and treated him, and he was thankful for that.

Jack was truly Bipolar and terrible with emotions.

"I love you."

"Awesome, I'm hungry."

"Haha, okay, my little monster. I have fresh food so we can go eat."

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