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So last night was like super fucking great. Got burritos from this amazing Mexican joint, STILL WARM EWE, got my Xbox One for my early birthday, paid 100 for SEVEN games, technically 8 because GoW Ultimate ed and Rare Replay are on the same disk. ONE OF THOSE GAMES IS A COLLECTORS EDITION  BLACK OPS  2 WHICH ALONE WAS 80. The kind man left the reciet in it. I didn't check thw other cases for recites I was just excited about having the collector case. All games are in fucking great condition btw, all literally almost new. And to end the night my Xbox came with 3 Minecraft Downloads, 2 weeks of free Gold, so I played MC and drank Starbucks until I got tired and went to bed.

Puppet was texting me last night so I got to see a message when I woke up, which was nice. Kookie was texting me this morning showing some bitchin art, Laura is roleplaying with me, I got texts from Oppa and Jess messaged me, some non watters texted. EVERYTHING WAS GOING WELL.

Last night I sent an image of my new games to my friend and also included all the awesome shit I got with my xbox set. And. He. Killed. My. Mood. Sure it was already bad because this morning on discord two people were depressed as fuck and I could hardly even make one of them smile. Both are okay now btw, which made me happy before I went to breakfast.
BUT THIS FUCKIN SHIT STAIN I CALL A FRIEND got on my nerves. I'm very patient and I understand things and view points. But when you are going to lecture me about how expensive consol gaming is to play xbox live compared to Gaming when I actually pay to play when you download shit illegally yea fucking no. He's a die hard pc gammer. I don't like to play on PC, Concols are easier for my stupid mind. Less keys less hassle. And I know it's a rip off to have to pay 100 bucks a year to play xbox live. But for fucks sake. If PC gamers are the majority of the ones who have an issue for the cost of playing online for consols, THEN FUCKING STAY ON PC.
We know it's pricey, we know the costs, we don't mind, we'll at least it seems like most of us don't mind. Oh well for us.


A concol peasant is someone who thinks concol is the best. PC has more stuff to do, and wow updates faster for certain games and Woah you can just search another tab and play youtube or Skype for free?? Whoops fucking do I don't god damn care. I prefer concol, weather they are the best for gaming or not. I don't fucking give a shit. It depends on the game for better or worse so leave me the fuck out of it.

He ruined my day. Literally.

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