Chapter 17

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Nikki's POV:

Mitch left my house so I decided to go for a ride since I'm all alone.

I grab my shoes and board and head out.

"Shit forgot I had to take out Rosie's neighbors garbage." I mutter to myself(to be clear the neighbors are old people).

I pick up my board and walk to the neighbors and notice something one the ground.

I pick it up and see its a pregnancy test.

I turn it around and see something unexpected.


That's all it took to make me made.

"I know this is Rosie's." I say aloud softly.

I stick it in my pocket and grab the garbage and take it to the curb.

I hop on my board and ride to town.

'Why the hell would she lie to me?' I question myself.

I find myself stopping at the hotel Jerome is staying at(its late so you know).

I walk in and head to the elevator.

"Room 234 is what he said." I say to myself.


The elevator doors open and I step out.

I head down the hallway not really paying attention till I realized I was knocking on his door.

"One second!" I hear him yell.

I hear footsteps then unlocking of the door.

He opens the door then plants a smile on his face, "Hey Nikki! What are you doing here so late?"

I put my hand in my pocket not pulling out the test, "I was out in town and I decided to stop by and see how you were doing."

"Well come on in." He says having me follow.

He sits on the bed and I sit on the desk chair.

We talk for a bit before I remember what I actually came for.

"Jerome, I was going to Mitch and Rosie's neighbors house to take out the garbage. When I found this." I say while pulling out the test and handing it to him.

Before he has a chance to speak I talk first, "Now before you say anything. I thought you were better than this. Do you even want this kid? Does Rosie even want this kid? Think about Mitch. He was pissed when you had sex. Just think how much he wants to pound you know. You need to talk with Rosie and find out what you are going to do. If you both don't want it you would have to abort it. Which means your killing a person. Just think about it."

"Nikki I'm sorry, but how was I supposed to know. I swear used protection but I guess this proves me wrong." He says looking at the test.

I sigh, "Just figure it out then come back, I won't let Mitch pound you."

We stand up and hug.

"Thanks for everything you've done for me." He says.

"No problem." I reply.

I walk to the door and grab my board, "Mitch is probably wondering where I am by now."

"Well take this and talk to Rosie." He say tossing the test.

I nod and walk out the door.

-at the Hughes household-

I knock on the door and I hear feet running to open it.

The door opens and I get attacked by Mitch.

He pulls away and gives me a small kiss, "I was wondering where you were."

I laughed, "I was out."

He smiles and replies, "Are you here to talk to Rosie?"

I nod and he lets me in.

I walk up the stairs and find Rosie's room.

I knock and she opens it almost immediately.

She put a fake smile on her face, "Hi, what brings you here?"

"Can I come in? I don't want Mitch to hear what I have to talk to you about." I ask.

She nods and I walk in and shut the door, and lock it for good measures.

We sit down, her and the bed and I in the desk chair.

The usual seating arrangement for us.

"What is it that you need to talk to me about?" Rosie asks.

I reach in my pocket and pull out the test, "This is what we need to talk about."

She gets a surprised look on her face, "I threw that into the neighbors yard though."

I nod, "Yes but I went to take out their trash and I found this on the ground. I knew it was new."

She sighs, "Fine it's mine but I swear we used protection."

I nod, "That's what Jerome said. But I asked him these questions that I am about to ask you. I don't need answers just think about them. Do you want the baby? Does Jerome want the baby? What will Mitch think? Because if you don't tell Mitch I will. Do you want Mitch slaughtering your boyfriend and my brother? Do me and Mitch want you to have a baby? If the answer to all the questions with 'want the baby' are no. Then you would have to abort it. Or have the chicks then give him/her away."

I notice that as I said all that she started crying.

I get up and sit next to her.

She looks at me, "I don't understand why it had to happen to me."

I rub her back, "It'll be fine. We can go to the hospital and see if you truly have a child inside of you tomorrow if you'd like. We could also bring Jerome."

She nods and replies, "You would do that for me?"

I smile, "Of course. We are best friends right?"

"Of course." She pulls me into a hug, this time I hug back.


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