Chapter 37

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Nikki's POV:

Well I think the married couple is happy.

They just keep dancing and smiling.

At least we could get a sitter for the rest of the night.

I doubt anyone would want to hear Annabelle crying.

"Nikki?" MItch asks.

I snap back into reality, "Huh?"

"Sorry I was just thinking about shit."

"Oh, wanna dance?" He asks.

"Mitch c'mon you know I cant dance." I whine.

He points to the floor, "No one can. Just trust me."

I make a pouty face, "Fine."

When we finally reach the dance floor, Turn Down For What came on.

"My gawd Rosie, really!!" I yell.

Apparently she heard because she just smiled and waved.

Literally everyone on the floor was doing some random shitty dance, so Mitch and I happily joined them.

After that was over we went to sit back down and eat some more.

I finished my food in like two seconds while Mitch was still eating.

"What the hell?!!? You finished already!!?!" He asks surprised.

I nod, "Well me and Jerome used to eat food like animals, literally, like animals. We also just ate a lot."

He laughs, "Thats why I love you."

-After the boring wedding stuff-

 We arrive at Jerome and I's house.

The married couple went somewhere or a few days so we are all alone.

"Mind if I stay over here?" Mitch asks me.

I smile, "Of course not."


"No problem. Now want some sweets?"


Sorry for such a short chaoter. Im used to writing 200 word chapters for my books. Dont kill me.(btw Frostleaf is writing dis).

-Frostleaf & carefreelady

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