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Everything happened so fast. We rescued Regina, but as we were trying to go after Tamara, Neal was shot and went through a portal. Emma and Gold heartbroken, and Henry lost a dad he was getting to know. We all Went aboard Hook's ship to go to Neverland where Greg and Tamara kidnapped Henry.

i was waiting for us to set sail. i guess you can say i'm preparing myself.

"can he see what is happening now" Gold stood next to me.

"no, i pushed him out before we came to get Regina" i told him still looking out at the water

"good, because as i am sure you are aware, we need an upper hand on him" he turned to me

"i know. Remember you aren't the only one that knows Pan" i sighed and faced him

"i'm well aware but out of the two of us, you may know him more then me" i looked down, "not only that but he has a soft spot for you" i laughed and was going to protest but he began to talk again, "you know its true. He has some kind of feelings for you. you may need to get close to him again" i was quite and looked back to the ocean, "are you prepared for this" he asked

"don't i have to be ready?" i asked

"well it is the ideal thing but, if you are not fully prepared we both know this will be far harder than it's already going to be"

"i'm ready and i'll be fine" i told him

"well good then. as long as you know what to do" with that he walked away and we were finally setting sail. we all held on as we went into the portal.

as we were entering i kept thinking about what i may have to do, which made me hold on tighter.


after we got to neverland it seems Gold and i had the same idea. we both left the group. Gold left first, it wasn't my first thought but he was right to leave them

"what the hell! How is he just gonna leave?" Emma asked

"because he knows what he has to do" i said, more to myself

"what?" they all asked

"he knows what he has to do in order to be successful against Pan" i looked to the island, "and i know what i have to do" they were about to stop me but it was too late, i was on the island.

I was standing on the beach looking out and if i looked hard enough i could see the ship. i looked around. everything looked the same but, the feeling that was there now, it made me want to get back on the Jolly Roger. but i knew i couldn't, there was no point. i had to get Henry.

"well look who's back" I turned around to see Pan.

"don't look so surprised you knew i was coming" i told him

"oh i knew you were going to come, i just didn't know if you were going to be staying with the adults or not, you know, with all the fear that you're experiencing"

i gave him an amused look, "i'm not scared Pan"

"well your head says differently" he appeared behind me and i was frozen. "this is my island and you thought you could keep me out of your head?" he walked around me, "the moment you entered Neverland you became mine, again" with  the snap of his fingers i was able to move.

"so is this you, or are you in my head?" i asked trying to keep some confidence

"why don't you find out" he smiled

the only thing i could think of was running. so i did one better.

i teleported to another part of the island

"did that tell you anything?" he was there.

"so in my head" i said


"and no" i heard another snap and i was frozen again. there were to peters in front of me.i know i have to calm down but there's two peter pans standing in front. they can both freeze me, and he will forever know where i will be as long as i am on the island.

"i think its time we get back home, don't you?" he asked

"home, so are you going to take me back?" he laughed and as i blinked we were at the camp. i saw boys jumping around the fire or messing with weapons others gathered in groups talking to one another.

pan stood on top of his rock and made the announcement of me being here and how i am not to be messed with. all the boys nodded. pan stood down and walked to me. 

"shall we go home" he laughed.

"bite me" i spat at him

"don't try me" he said, slapping a bracelet onto my wrist. he unfroze me and walked to his Tree House. i took the opportunity and ran for the woods when he was in front of me.

"oh yes did i forget to say it out loud" i was confused, "go to the house" i scoffed at him and tried to walk away but my body turned around and walked to his house.

when in his house he shut the door and said, "you can do whatever in this house but if you leave you can not leave the camp, and you can't talk to any of the boys" i just looked at him with the defeat i felt in my soul.

"so i'm a prisoner" i told him

"no not at all" he said in a caring tone, he came and put his arms around me, "more like a pet" he said. i pushed him away and walked out of the room into a bedroom. "this is yours, glad to know you could find it so fast"

"just go away" i said lowly.

"is that-"

"get out!" i yelled and slammed the door. "i should've stayed with the group" i said as a tear slid down my face.


*Peters P.O.V*

"so how is our new/old friend doing" felix asked

"its as if this is her first time again" i told him with a smile on my face.

"it's just a thought but wouldn't it be easier to get what you want from her if she didn't feel like a pet to you?" he asked me

"where would the fun in that be?" i asked him. he smiled, "besides this is how i'm going to make her into a new person"

"and if she sees the boy, or the other way around?"

"she can't talk to any of the boys right now and when she can i'll deal with it"

with that Felix went on his way. i looked to all the boys seeing what everyone was doing, i saw the boy, just sitting on his own. i then looked to her window to see her looking out, she looked as if she's lost some hope. which is what i need.

Never Land at last(Peter pan/ouat story)Where stories live. Discover now