I wish you were serious about loving me (arranged marriage)

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Attention: This is my first story so please don't be so harsh. Enjoy <3 taytaylove

<3 B R O O K E L Y N<3

You know what? Parents suck. I'm serious. I know people are always going on about some shit about how parents don't really suck, and deep down, you love them. But I'm dead serious. My parents suck.

It started out as an innocent weekly Sunday breakfast, my favorite meal of the day.


"How are the eggs, Brookelyn?" my dad asked. I smiled, my mouth full of chewed up eggs.

"Great," I said. I loved my breakfast. Breakfast on Sundays were the best. We'd get together as a whole family, my parents, me, and my older brother Greg, and go all out. Today, we had scrambled eggs, pancakes, fruit salad, cinnamon buns, and fresh coffee. My eggs were topped with bacon bits and my pancakes were drenched in maple syrup. I know, I definitely eat a lot, but the thing is, I never seem to get fat. I'm averaged size with a little more than average sized chest, but I'm okay with that.

"Brookie, close your mouth that's disgusting," Greg complained. Just to piss him off, I opened my mouth wide open to show him the gumbo of chewed up food. He made a face and took his plate and went up to his room. What a baby!

"Brookelyn, we need to tell you something," my mom said in that serious voice. My mom was rarely ever serious so I knew what she was going to tell me would ruin everything.

"Save it, mom. I'm eating," I said.

"Honey, you're 17 and a big girl," my mom started, clearly ignoring me. I sighed and pretended to listen while I took a sip of the coffee, full of cream and sugar, the way I like it.

"Yeah mom," I said, just to make her think I was caring about a single word she said. I poked my fork through the eggs and brought it to her mouth just as she said something that caught me off guard.

"You're getting married, Brookelyn. You're moving to his house this afternoon."

*End of Flashback*

Apparently, I was arranged to get married to this dude. My parents told me it was a well-known tradition in my family, which is totally funny because I didn't know anything about it. My parents said I really didn't have a choice since they already signed the papers and promised them. Have they forgot something? Like my permission for one. Doesn't anyone care about what I think. I didn't even know they had such things as arranged marriages anymore. I mean, isn't that so old school? I don't know what went on during my parent's decade, but in this decade, the children get to choose who they marry. This is total B.S.!

I gave a long and determined arguement, but they said the same thing over and over as if I hadn't heard the first time. "You're getting married, Brookelyn. Now go and pack," they kept saying. And so I sulked as I walked up the stairs and went to pack. I will never think of Sunday breakfast as the same again. No, I will never think of breakfast the same again. They totally ruined it for me.


"Brookie, I'm sorry I didn't tell you," Greg wailed from under me. A few minutes after I finished packing, I went to Greg's room to tell him the horrible news when he told me he knew about it for quite a long time. Was I the only one out of the loop here? I then got mad at him and tackled him to the floor. So here I am 5 minutes later and still on top of him.

"How could you, you traitor?" I screamed and hit his arm. He groaned.

"I'm sorry, okay? Can you get off of me now?" he asked. I hit his arm again. "What?"

"No, I will not get off of you! I can't believe you didn't freaking tell me. You're a sorry excuse of a brother," I told him. He rolled his eye and I punched his arm.

"Brookie, will you stop? Grow up!" he yelled. I got off of him and kicked his stomach.

"I'm 17, Greg. Do I look like I'm ready to marry to you? And talk for yourself, you're freaking 21 and you still live at home," I said. "You grow up!"

"Out!" Greg yelled and pushed me out of his room and slammed the door in my face. Okay, I guess what I told him was a little harsh. It's not like he still wanted to live at his parents' house.

About 3 years ago, Greg had been dating this girl, Melony, for the past 4 years. They were totally in love, anybody could see it. They moved in together and was really happy for the first few months. Then, Melony got pregnant. Greg was scared, but also ecstatic about being a daddy. A few days before the due date, Melony confessed that the baby might not be Greg's and that she had been cheating on him. Being the cool guy he was, he accepted it and promised to be there anyway.

Melony gave birth to a little boy, Tucker. They stayed a happy family of three until the blood tests came back. Tucker wasn't Greg's son. He was the son of the guy Melony had been seeing for the past year and a half. Greg was still cool about it and still called Tucker his son. His friends told him to leave Melony, but he loved her too much. One day, Greg came home and Tucker and Melony were gone. No note. Nothing. Greg also found that Melony took all his money and everything. He was left with nothing, but a broken heart.

So yeah, after that happened, Greg was forced to come here. My parents said they'd only let him come back if he applied for college, which he did. Greg never saw Melony again, but I did. A few months after she left I saw her. I never told Greg though. I told my parents and they said it was best he didn't know.

Tucker was almost a year. He looked a lot like the guy Melony was with. That's probably who she was with, I concluded. I went up to her and called her a lot of names, including slut, whore, and a worthless being who broke my brother's heart and robbed his money. She cried and said she was sorry. Sorry was going to do nothing for my brother, I had told her, and I slapped her and told her die in a hole along with her family. So yeah, I didn't tell Greg all that, which was probably for the best.

A few minutes after laying on the bed, there was a soft knock and the door opened to reveal my mom.

"Hey Brookelyn," my mom said. She had a sad face on. I nodded to acknowledge her. "I'm sorry, honey, but all is done."

"Mom, have you ever thought of asking what I wanted?" I asked.

"Brookelyn, you were only 3, you didn't know anything," she said. I felt my eyes water. I rarely ever cry and when I do, I don't let other people see. I hastily wiped my tears away and look at my mom coldly.

"I think I'd still know I wouldn't want to get married to a damn stranger," I yelled. My mom looked taken back.

"Brookelyn, I'm sorry. Just change into something nice and meet me downstairs. They'll be here soon," she said before leaving the room. I went into the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face. Stupid, sucky parents!

I got out of my pajamas and put on an oversized white tank with a green lacy cami underneath and black skinny jeans. I put on my black Converse and applied my makeup. Eye liner and mascara. I brushed through my dyed black hair and let a few strands of my side bangs to fall over my green eyes. I don't even know why I put such an effort for my new 'in-laws'. I should be dressing trashy, but even when I'm mad at someone, I still want to look good. I straightened the back of my hair and put on some clear lipgloss. After I looked good enough, I went downstairs, hearing the doorbell on the way down. Great,

they're here.

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