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You are a girl named Destiny (sorry it was the only one I thought of) you have hidden powers not even your parents know about but... you parents still abuse you because you were adopted your original parents died to mysterious causes they were extremely power full creatures but no one knew they're powers so you were considered dangerous
Your powers:
Power over the elements
Wings retractable
Dragon tale
Can tern into a mermaid at thought
Is a neko
Drinks blood
Breath fire
Power to through light
And when mad your voice glitches and becomes hard to make out
Can Change into any creature and use they're powers
Can make self look human

The people you new before you were locked up were missing now your only friend was JG he was a demon that visited you often he promised he would try to get you out but you said that you already had a plan to get out to safety to a forest JG told you about he said he would find you there and take you to a sanctuary to a place. called. RASPY HILL

Ipliers and septiceyes x child!reader (DISCONTINUED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora