Chapter 2

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Most of you have never heard of me. My name is Alise, I can't tell you my lastname because I simply don't know it. When I was six I lost my memory. Most people will always know who they are. I gave up on trying to remember. I know who I am now. I'm a singer, an actress, and a dancer. Yet you may never see me preform. I live in a theatre on the outskirts of New York. There I preform with other teens to present a Broadway show. It was hard at first because I spoke Russian but I learn English quickly.

I preformed my first play when I was 8. I played as Annie in Annie. I still have the costumes and wigs. Since then I have preformed as Christine Daae, Fantine, Cosette, and now I'm preparin gto play Anastasia Romanov.

There are alot of people in our cast but you'll get to know them sooner or later. Here are some of my best friends.

Jerry he's playing Gleb.

Alex he's playing Dimitri.

Rose is playing Lilly.

Ryan is playing Vlad.

Alexis is playing The Dowager Empress.

Jaiden and Hadley Karimloo take turns play Alexi and Little Anastasia.

Right now were at their school preparing for a preformance. We are singing for the kids there. We chose the songs A Rumor in St. Petersburg, In My Dreams, Learn to do it, Still, Journey to the Past, Land of Yesterday, and Quartet at the Ballet. After this preformance is our first show.

Standing backstage I looked out at the kids. Some parents had attended as well.

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