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It's so fucking good to see Jc helping out his people

but like...

Not tryna kill the vibe or anything...but Chelsey is modeling in ALL the clothes that he wants to donate....

It fucking irritates me how Kian is out here saying that the only thing he hates is when Jc keeps his things to himself like for example his CLOTHES and you have fucking Chelsey here wearing his whole damn closet.

I feel like I'm the only one annoyed by that.

But the real important thing here is that I'm proud of Jc. He is doing such a generous action with helping out the people who were in the hurricane Harvey...


My one thought that keeps bothering me is this:

I'm not tryna be salty or anything.. I'm just saying.

So...there was a hurricane in Haiti a few months ago and I was in that hurricane and a lot of chaos was done to Haiti. From that earthquake on 2010, things had been destroyed and it hurt me so much when the hurricane erased all the progress Haitians had made after the earthquake.

And the problem here is...why didn't many people help out Haiti even though it's right under the U.S but when it's the hurricane in Houston, suddenly the whole world is having a panic attack?

Like...disasters shouldn't be treated differently. I'm not being biased, but so much more attention was brought unto hurricane Harvey while the hurricane Matthew that struck Haiti was completely ignored except for the people who lived on Haiti.

I just find it I really sad that those hurricanes had different ranges of importance

Rant is over.

Just wanted to express my thoughts.

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