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I hadn’t seen my dad in a long time. The last time I saw him was when he was arrested. He was arrested, because he wasn’t like us. He didn’t have any powers or abilities. He is just the same developed human as thousands of years ago. He is just Homo Sapiens.

But the developed human now is a human with higher abilities. Abilities that are numbered from A to C, subdivided from 1 to 5. B5 is my level, I train every day to get my score higher. Because one day, they will catch the weaker ones. The ones like my dad. The Homo Facultas don’t want the Homo Sapiens on this world anymore.

But there are people who protest, and that got us here. Today is the first day that they let the prisoners see their family.

I follow a guard and another guard is walking behind me. The guards are mainly here to prevent family members from getting the prisoners out. They’re not here to guard the prisoners. The prisoners wouldn’t stand a chance if they would try to get out.

The guard in front of me stops and opens a door. He makes a gesture for me to go in and then he goes standing on the left side of the door. The guard who walked behind me follows his lead and stands on the right side of the door.

I walk in and the guards close the door behind me.

Then I see him. His dark brown hair, his brown eyes and his smile when he sees me.

“Minx,” he says.

“Dad,” I say when I walk to him and give him a hug.

He isn’t handcuffed so he puts his arms around me. Something that he hasn’t done in a long time. Something that he couldn’t do in a long time.

I remember when he used to hug me as a kid. But that didn’t last very long. He got taken away from me when I was four years old. This is the first time I have seen him since.

I can smell him and that tells me that they don’t treat him very well here and that hurts me. I wish there was something I could do.

“You’ve changed,” he says while he pulls out of the hug. “When did you get those purple bangs?”

“So that’s what changed about me? How about my height?” I joke.

“Yes, that too. But it’s mainly the bangs,” He laughs, and I love hearing his laugh. “Did your mother agree to that?”

“Well…” I don’t know how to tell him this. “She left with some dude when I was sixteen. Don’t know where they went, but she never came back.”

“I guess she wasn’t how I thought she was.” He answers after a silence.

I look around the room and I see two cameras. I don’t like it when other people listen to something private, but I guess cameras are better than guards watching us.

“Did you take good care of your brother?” My dad asks.

“Ohm is doing okay. He wasn’t at first, but he is now. He’s actually working at the Main International Technical Station.” Ohm is four years younger than me, so he was only twelve when mom left us. He was very depressed for a long time, but then he got into the world of videogames and technical devices, and he got happier. I don’t see him a lot anymore, because of his job in New York, but we still call each other sometimes.

My dad just smiles, and I see the pride on his face.

“What about you?” He asks.

“At the moment I’m teaching children to develop their abilities. But that’s just temporary.” He nods as I say it.

“What’s your level?” He asks me.


“You need to watch out, Minx,” he says anxiously. “They will watch you when you get too high.”

“I know, dad. I can take care of myself.” I answer.

“I’m sorry. I’m not used to my little girl making her own choices.”

“It’s okay. I understand you’re worried.”

I look at my dad again, because I know we don’t have much time. He is wearing a blue jeans and a white T-shirt. Both of them are filthy and torn. Strands of his brown hair are everywhere and even when he smiles, he has something sad in his eyes.

I want to get him out of here. He doesn’t deserve to be treated like this, he is a good man.

Then the door opens and the two guards walk in.

“Your time is up.” He makes a gesture again for me to go out.

“I will visit you again soon,” I tell my dad. He nods and I hug him again before I walk out of the door, the two guards following me.

I walk inside my living room and put my keys on the table. The newspaper is still on there too. The main article says ‘Homo Sapiens allowed to see family members’.

As I open the fridge to get something to eat, my phone rings. It’s Ohm.

“Hi Ohm,” I answer the phone, still looking for something to eat.

“Minx, I have a plan to get dad out.” He says right away.

“How? How do we get him out?” I will do anything to get dad out. Anything.

“We don’t get him out. He has to get out himself.”

“But he is a Homo Sapiens, Ohm. He doesn’t stand a chance against the guards.”

“I know, but what if we could make him Homo Facultas?”

“That’s not possible.” That’s all I can say.

I notice that the fridge is still open, and close it.

“What if it is? I have been testing, Minx. I’m very close to a potion. A potion that can give dad the same abilities as we have.”

My mouth falls open and I can’t say anything for a while.

“I would do anything to get dad out,” I say then.

“Then come to New York.” Ohm answers.

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