Chapter 13: Revenge

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Suffering from writers block so sorry if this is bad.


We got to the house and I was embraced with endless, tight, hugs from the girls. The kids were awake too so I got hugs from them. I still don't get why the kids like me so much, I never really speak to them. I'll have to ask them later, maybe cause I help protect them. Who knows?

Tina gave me a change of clothes and I tied my hair up into a messy bun. They begged me to tell them everything that happened as soon as they left and so I did. It wasn't much to tell. I told them about how Danny gave me a near concussion to knock me out. I told them about how he changed into a monster before my eyes, how he had Harry watch me. I even told them what Harry did before the attack.

Surprisingly I didn't cry. I was too pissed about the situation to cry. I wanted revenge. I don't care what my demons plans were. Making me so pissed I want to kill Harry. They got what they wanted. I'm gonna kill him. Him and Danny. Slow, and painfully. And I will not feel guilty about it, they aren't human.

That's all I feel now. Complete anger towards all this. Everything I went through, it's not making me upset anymore it's just pissing me off. Again.

It was late, really late. The world outside was seriously pitch black, so was this damn house. Everyone was asleep, no body slept in the rooms though. They all made makeshift beds in the living room, giving me the couch for no reason. Everyone, had a gun next to them and a knife under their pillow, clenching it tight as they slept. The kids even had a knife.

We were all scared people. After this shit is over, we're never gonna trust easily again. I have a feeling that sleeping with weapons is gonna be a habit. I even have a weapon clenched in my hand right now. I don't think I'll be able to trust ever again. Only my people. Anyone else, that's gonna take years maybe. If I last that long....if we last that long.

I couldn't sleep. So instead I'm laying on this uncomfortable couch, staring up at the ceiling. Overthinking things, just thinking about things, coming up with suicidal ideas to save Gabriel, and other ideas that could still kill us. And when I mean suicidal ideas to save Gabriel, I mean plans I came up to do by myself.

I tossed and turned, kept my eyes closed, hummed, stayed still, threw the blankets off, clenched them to my body. I walked around the house silently, sat on the couch and stared into the darkness, stared up at the ceiling for hours. All this for hours. I couldn't sleep.

I'm not sleepy, I don't feel like I need sleep. So that's why I wouldn't sleep. I'm going through those phases again. First I'm pissed about everything going on. Now my body is so energized that I no longer need to sleep. I'll sleep, or even keep my eyes closed for an hour, and I'm perfectly okay. Even without doing that, I'm still fine.

Not that I'm complaining about not being able to go to sleep. I feel safer when someone's awake and watching us so we don't get killed. I just don't like struggling to fall asleep when I know damn well my body is not letting me.

So I stopped. I stopped trying to sleep and stared at this damn ceiling. It's be the longest fucking night and the sun is barely starting to break through the darkness. The room is still very dark, but a slight shade of dark pink is mixed in.

I sat up and carefully got off the couch, walking over to the window and sitting in the chair near it. If I'm not gonna sleep, I might as well watch the sun come up instead of watching the wall change color.

I stared out the window for who knows how long. Hours. Just sitting there, watching the sun take it's time to light up the earth. I heard some shuffling behind me and I looked back to see Nathan sitting up. His eyes were still closed as he rubbed them, yawning loudly as he stretched.

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