angsty art meme

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Angsty art meme
Send me an emoji and a character!!!
👣 - Broken ankle
👽 - Alien infection
💫 - Dizzy
😷 - high fever
💋 - Bloody lip
💀 - Head wound
😭 - Acid tears
🙏 - Possession
😵 - Barfy
🍴 - Creative stabbing
🐻 - Animal attack
🍄 - Poisoned
🐺 - Painful transformation
👅- Vampire attack
✨ - Glittery blood
🍭 - Candy gore
🌹 - Hanahaki disease
🌺 - One with nature
🌊 - Drowned
🍳 - Fried
❄️ - Frostbititten
⚽️ - Sports injury
🎧 - Burst ear drums
👀 - Eye pain
👻 - Dead

Comment an emoji and a character and I'll draw it! I'll put them with the monster request I keep forgetting to do-

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