Love Letter

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"Olivia and you had been dating for quite some time, huh?" Osomatsu asked his younger brother as they fished. It was their tradition, to go fishing every other Friday. Karamatsu shifted the unlit cigarette in his mouth.

"Heh, exactly 4 months, 2 days, 12 hours and 4 minutes, my dear aniki." Karamatsu replied painfully. Osomatsu found himself cringing lightly but hid it very well.

"Ah. Do you enjoy being with her?" He asked the second eldest.

"Dear bruzza, I cannot explain in words how I love her." Karamatsu said wistfully. Osomatsu used his pinky finger to dig out a booger from his nose. He wiped it on Karamatsu's jacket while he wasn't looking. Osomatsu snickered inwardly but replied, "Why not write her a love letter?"

" letter?" Karamatsu paused.

"Yeah. Out of all people, I'd expect you to at least write her one."

"..." Karamatsu seemed to think this over. "Do you think she would like that...?" He asked, looking unsure.

"Please! If you managed to woo her and keep her this long, you should at least use that painful language to write your feelings for her." Osomatsu replied.

"'re right. I managed to keep her hooked for this long, I can do this! I can write her a letter putting all my love for her into it!" Karamatsu posed on the bollard, making Osomatsu snicker. What a dweeb.


Over the coming week, Karamatsu spend his waking moments writing his love for Olivia. The only problem was, he felt every draft he crafted wasn't good enough. He was constantly reading his drafts to the brothers, his parents, even anyone who'd listen for more than 5 seconds. But it wasn't good enough. It wasn't ever good enough.

"Why is writing so hard?!" Karamatsu was fed up, he tossed his latest draft into the trash in frustration.

"What is your deal? You've been wasting so much paper..." Choromatsu asked, looking up from his magazine.

"I'm trying to write a love letter for my darling Olivia, but every draft I've made it terrible!" Karamatsu slumped against the table in defeat. Choromatsu went to the waste basket and picked up the crumpled draft, reading it. He cringed, but faked interest.

"You know, this is really sweet..." Choro encouraged.

"It is?" Karamatsu looked up at his younger brother.

"'s really nice." He sat next to Karamatsu. "'My heart seems to skip a beat when you smile at me, how have I been blessed with a Karamatsu girl so beautiful as you?'" Choromatsu read. "That's so nice. She would love that."

"Would she?"

"How could she not? It's so sweet."

" know what, bruzza? I think I'll finish this." Karamatsu took the paper and hugged the younger man. "Thank you!" He ran out of the room to go type it up at the library. Choromatsu let out a gag as soon as Karamatsu was gone. He had drenched the paper in Old Spice. Who does that?! Karamatsu, that's who. He still hoped Olivia would at least like it...


After a good hour or two, Karamatsu had finished his love letter. All that was left to do was...give it to her. But could he do that? Karamatsu felt nervous, like he would vomit if she asked him to read it. He decided to hide his nervousness behind his sunglasses and a bouquet of pink roses; Olivia's favorite. Once he had gathered his supplies, rehearsed and made doubly sure he could do this, Karamatsu took the bus to her home, over by the park. When he got off the bus, he saw her in her herb garden, cutting some mint and rosemary. Karamatsu's heart seemed to skip a beat. Even when covered in soil and sweat, Olivia looked like an angel. Her brilliant ginger hair was hidden under a blue bandanna; his to be exact. Her freckled face was flushed from the spring sun, her mouth chewed obsessively on her chewable stim necklace. Karamatsu then noticed he was staring too much and decided to approach her.

"Heh, my Karamatsu angel..." he started. It took about 5 seconds before his lover looked up at him.

"...Karamatsu! What a surprise!" Olivia got up, grabbing her basket of spices and herbs.

"My darling, even covered in soil and grass, you look like an angel." Karamatsu tilted her chin up to gaze into her blue doe eyes. Olivia's face went a rosy red and she looked away quickly.

"T-thank you...please, come in with me.." she whispered, pushing past him. Karamatsu chuckled, following behind his petite lover. Diana, her 2 month old kitten greeted the man by squeaking at Karamatsu, climbing up his pants.

"Hello my Karamatsu kitten..." he laughed, petting her head gently.

"I'll be a moment, just need to freshen up." Olivia said, stepping into her bedroom. Karamatsu sat himself on her couch, crossing his legs. Diana went to go play with a toy mouse and Karamatsu began to look around her living room. Why were girl's houses so cute? That would be a mystery that always eluded the virgin NEET. Her walls were a creamy blue, decorated with pictures of Olivia's family, her friends and even a few of herself. Her coffee table held a vase of fake pink roses, violet peonies, blue hydrangeas, lilacs, white daisies, soft green tea roses and yellow mums and cute coasters with lambs on them. In the corner of the room was a decorated cat bed, that seemed like it was rarely used. Diana instead slept in the box of her catscratch tower. But Karamatsu's favorite thing in the living room was the galaxy Olivia painted on the ceiling. If you turned off the lights, you could see stars. Karamatsu adored it. Olivia's bedroom had a beautiful flower garden on one wall, the one by her bed. He loved her admiration for the arts and often played original compositions for her. Eventually, his lover emerged in a soft blue sweatshirt and pale purple jeans. She wore another bandanna he gave her in her hair, and one of the chewable stim necklaces he bought her. It was in the shape of a star, "for my shining Karamatsu star", he told her.

"What brings you by?" She asks, playing with her hair.

"Uh..." Karamatsu had almost forgotten why he was there. But when he shifted, a crinkle sounded. Ah. The letter. He got it out and paused. Olivia gave him a quizzical look, taking the pink roses.

"Thank you for the roses." She told him, making him jump.

"Ah, y-you're welcome..." Karamatsu stammered. As she went to put them in water, he worked up his courage. He was gonna read it to her. He was gonna do it, he was...

"What's that?" Olivia's voice made Karamatsu jump again. The letter flew from his hand and she delicately caught it, opening the letter.

"My honey-" he started, but Olivia shushed him. Her large eyes scanned the page. As she read, large tears welled up in her eyes. Karamatsu began to panic internally. Did she hate it?

" honey?"

"...this is..."

"I know, it's not...good..."

"I love you so much!!" She wrapped her arms around his waist and dissolved into sobs.


"That's the sweetest thing I've ever read!" Olivia cried. "Oh my god, I'm probably ruining my mascara!" She coughed. Karamatsu began to chuckle softly, pulling his petite lover into a hug, comforting her.


"My dearest Olivia;
    I thought it was about time to put my feelings for you on paper. When I see you, I feel as if the world stops in that moment. The way your eyes light up when you see me is enough to make my heart weaken. My heart skips a beat when you smile at me, how have I been blessed with a Karamatsu girl so beautiful as you? I wish I could rearrange the stars for you, so that way the starlight could highlight your beauty, I would carry the heavens and earth for you, just to make you happy. I would do anything for your happiness. I love you so so truly are a blessing. Not a day goes where I at least think about your beauty. You're practically on my mind every day. And I love every beautiful thought about you. I hope you stay mine, I want to grow old with you...I loved you yesterday, I love you today, I'll love you tomorrow and forevermore.

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