Love of a Psychopath

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Let's take a look at love.

Again, I was watching another drama (cheese in the trap) and the main character would hurt others physically or emotionally to get back at them for something that they did to his girlfriend. 

**I am going to infer some point from the drama but it does not necessarily align with the plot, so please no comments about the true meaning of the drama. this is just to explain my point.**

Now, don't get me wrong, protecting your loved ones is viewed as a normal trait in human society, but it is the extent to which one will "protect" others especially if the ones that they are protecting ends up hurt or feeling uncomfortable. when someone starts making plans (elaborately) and/or enjoying methods that are painful or even deadly to others but that person is still unaware of the consequences of their actions. then, i view them as  psychopathic in nature.

I tend to be on my guard around people that say "I will kill for you"  or "I'll die for you", "you are my life line". It's one thing if they are simply words to express your affection or connection to someone but it's an entirely different thing if they are beliefs.

I think that in some degree towards humans,things,animals all humans are psychopathic in nature. Most are not conscious of it but we all have "dark thoughts" that take different shapes. Most of us were also thought from a young age that hurting others is not good or things that you shouldn't say...which influence our thinking as adults.

The level and period of our exposure to dramatic, traumatic, unfavorable circumstances and to psychopathic actions determines whether or not a person becomes a psychopath. 

I think that any human put in a violent, survival environment will end up absorbing them as norms for self satisfaction, desire,approval,survival and love.

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