Chapter 7

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I woke up by the sunlight ticking my nose. I slowly got up and went to the bathroom to get refreshed and came out looking at my phone. It was 7 am strange I always wake up late like 1 or 2 especially 2. Suddenly my phone buzzed I checked to see why it buzzed. "Good morning breakfast is ready❤️"
I wonder how she knew I was awake. Hmm probably because I was singing in the shower which Christine says sounds like yelling. I come downstairs to see Emma making fluffy pancakes with melting butter on top. I smile and walk towards her she greets me with a smile. She takes the pancakes and places it on a plate on the dinning table and right when she does that she gets a call. "Go ahead and start I'll be with you in a minute" she said and went to take the call. It be rude if I just ate it without her when she worked so damn hard to make them, I should at least enjoy them with her. She came back after a few min and looked at me confused. "I wanted to enjoy them with you." She smiled and went to the cabinet and grabbed something and came back and she placed it on the table. "Do you like your pancakes with Nutella?" she asked and I smiled. We both enjoyed our pancakes while we talked about how women's didn't have enough rights, and how we should have the confidence to speak loud. People say no one is perfect but look at her she's beautiful she's kind and on top of that she's feminist. Man she's the perfect role model.

I was sitting near a window just dazing off. I noticed a pen and napkin on the table and decided to write something down. I started writing down words not sure what though. I read it over and it sounded like a story a fairytale. "I like your story it sounds magical" I would've usually gotten embarrassed if someone read it but she's so kind that I felt happy instead. She was wearing a coat and putting her boots on. "Are you going somewhere?" I asked curious. "Why yes,We're gonna go get decorations since Christmas is almost here." I totally forgot about Christmas,in my orphanage it was lit because we got 50 bucks every Christmas. I started saving when I was 10 so now I have 400 saved up. Not sure what I'm saving it up for but whatever. maybe I should get Emma a gift. I ran upstairs to get ready and I grabbed my wallet and came back down. while Emma locked the door i waited behind her. We got in car and Emma put her seatbelt on. then she stared at me and I stared back at her. She came closer to me and we were inches apart that the hair on our skins touched. then I heard a click. She was putting my seatbelt on she's so nice I'm the one who was having the dirty thoughts. She put her hand back on the wheel and started the car I sat there silently. We drove to the mall it was huge and there were so many Christmas decorations. Emma got out of the car and so did I. I followed her inside everyone was looking at her with big eyes. They were also looking at me but no one took a step forward to come talk to us. Emma didn't even look at them she was wayyy to distracted by the decorations. Some girl came up to Emma and asked if she could have a picture with her and more people followed. I stayed in the corner. "I'm actually with someone right now so I can't take pictures or anything right now." Then she came to me and grabbed my hand and started walking to the area with all the Christmas tree decorations. I felt my body heat up and my body felt like a stove. "Winter look at these ornaments they'll look wonderful on the tree!" I smiled at her reaction. from there on we just kept shopping and shopping and Shopping and SHOPPING. I felt tired and sat on a bench Emma said she was gonna go get something to eat. I was about to go with her but she told me to stay on the bench. we had enough adventures for one day I guess. I sat there waiting until I noticed a store it was filled with different kinds of jewelry. I slowly stood up and went into the store and the woman at the counter greeted me. I smiled at her then looked around to see what was in the store. So many jewelry,I looked around for quite some time and a lot of time passed by. I was about to leave until I noticed a necklace that had s snow flake on it. It looked beautiful and reminded me of a snowy Christmas night. I placed it on the counter and bought it right away and the lady was so nice that she also wrapped it for me. I came out and saw Emma sitting on the bench with two big pretzels in one hand and her phone on the other one calling someone. I came running to her she had look of concern in her face but when she saw me her face softened up a bit. "Sorry" "it's alright just call me next time when your about to go somewhere" she said with a soft expression. I smiled as she handed me a pretzel and we both sat on the bench and enjoyed the pretzels. When we finished we put everything in the car and drove home. "Oh winter Christine sent this for you" she handed me an envelope. I opened it and found a 50 dollar bill and a note. "Merry Christmas you annoying raccoon😏" I chuckled at her note. She's sometimes like a mother and sometimes like a sister. Hmmm I miss her I used to come to her office all the time. Most kids only came when they had a problem But I only came to give her problems. Those were the good days.

We arrived to the house and started decorating. I kept getting distracted by Emma to focus on decorating. I was standing near the fireplace and hanging the big red socks. I looked at Emma and she noticed me looking at her I quickly looked away. She slowly walked towards me and I acted like I didn't see her coming and she came close and stopped right in front of me. She leaned in close and pointed at something above, it was a mistletoe i was confused. She gave me a soft peck on my cheek and then she went back to decorating. lets just say I couldn't sleep that night. I was too busy thinking of scenarios and Don't judge me cause I know you would to.

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