Chapter 16

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  I woke up early today and took the bus to school. I could've let Emma drop me off but the amount of awkwardness we had last night would have just continued in the car. I didn't wanna go through that again and I'm sure she didn't either. I also made sure to leave her a note saying "I left early because I wanted to get a head start on my lessons." That was a pathetic thing to say but at least It was true. I finally got to my school but I was early so classes hadn't started. I was bored and thought to call Christen because she was easy to talk to.

"Hello?" she sounded surprised

"Hey Christen" I said sounding kinda depressed

"What the hell happened to you?" She asked

"I don't know, I really wish THAT hadn't happened..." it sounded like I had done something illegal.

"Jesus Christ!winter what the hell did you do this time???" She thought I actually had done something illegal.

"Nothing!!!" I don't blame her though.

"Okay~" she said

"Never mind that, how are all the kids at the orphanage doing?" I wonder what the heck they were up to since I wasn't around there to whoop there ass. Good times.

"As a matter of fact they are actually doing great especially the ones that use to hang around you" what the hell did she mean by that.

"What the hell is that suppose to mean?" I was so confused I mean I was the one who kept all of them all behaved.

"Means that you were a terrible influence to them" she said

"i was?" There's no way that could I been true.

"Winter all you ever did in that orphanage was play around and tease other kids...remember that one time when you forced Larry to eat YOUR veggies."

"Well Obviously I wasn't gonna eat them" I told her

"Well that wasn't a good way to get rid of them..."  she said.

"Anyways, what's up with you?" I hurried up and changed the topic.

"Nothing, I've always been the same" she said

"Yikes, that gave me a chill" I told her.

"Anyways why did you call me 6 in the morning" she asked confused.

"Because I was bored" I was being honest.

"Why don't you call one of your friends?" She asked

"OH MY GWADDDDD!!!!I totally forgot I had friends!" I actually forgot I had Grays number.

"That's if you actually have any.." she said

"Wait, what was grays number again? I know I have it in here somewhere.."In reality it was very easy to find. i only reason acted like that was because I wanted Christen to think I had a bunch of contacts. in reality I literally only had 3. Sadly I'm very unpopular even though I'm adopted by a famous actor. Well at least I don't have to worry about fake people trying to grind up all over me. not like anyone would.

"Okay since you found someone to talk to in going back to work" she told me.

"Wait you were busy?" Wow that was really kind of her to take the time off to talk to me.

"Yes I was"

"you gave me your full attention even though you had a ton of work, thanks Christen I appreciate it"

"Well you hadn't called in a while so I was surprised when you did"

"Yeah but I often do miss the orphanage..."

"Hey, it's not like you can't come and visit"

"Yeah your right, I've been wanting to see everyone"

"Alright when you get the time come and see us. I gotta finish my work I'll talk to ya later"

"Okay I will,see ya" then I cut the call and put my phone in my pocket. I was about to call Gray but I didn't really feel like pulling my phone out of my pocket. The hole process kinda felt tiring so I just took a nice walk around the school. As I was walking I noticed an elementary school with a playground. I suddenly felt like a kid again even though I'm like 17. I sat on the swing and pushed myself back and forth. I suddenly noticed a kid running around and his father chasing him while his mother was recording. I just stared at the kid and wondered how it felt to have parents. Did my parent not know how to raise a child or were they actually suffering. I wish I had known the truth. I could have asked them but they would have just lied right to my face. I felt a soft breeze and and nice chill. I then suddenly felt a vibration in my pocket. I took out my phone to see who it was and it was Gray. He was asking Me where I was and told me to meet him at the auditorium. I got up from the swing and walked back to the school. My phone vibrated again and I looked at it to check who it was and it was Emma. "I'm going to be picking you up today because there's something I want to talk to you about." My heart stopped what did she want to talk about....

A\N: I'm sorry the chapter was so short 😓 but don't worry the next one will be longer. Also for my next chapter the story will be told in another characters point of view. Winter is still the main character of the story but I want you to get to know my other characters backgrounds as well. If you have any questions about the story or the characters, please don't be afraid to ask and leave a comment and I will do my best to answer it. Once again thank you for reading my story I really do appreciate it.❤️

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