Chapter Twelve- Color Plagued

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Chapter Twelve- Color Plagued

“I may be dead, but a promise to Amanda, is a promise kept,” he replied happy.

“Oh Michael I am so happy you are here,” I said as I got out of the automobile and shut the door tightly behind me.

“Amanda, look at your legs, arms, hands, and neck you are changing color magnificently.”

“Stay away from her Michael,” Nathanial ordered.

“Why, what the hell could you do to me Nathanial, I could kill you instantly if I wanted too.  I am no threat, I already fed.”

“What did you feed on?”

“I fed on some blood that Hector had sitting in a cold cellar under his wooden cabin in the woods.  The one you and Amanda ransacked first for clothes before I could get a nice pick on something to wear.”

“Michael your legs,” I shouted.

“Yes, Amanda it is called Color Plagued,” he smiled.

“What do you mean Color Plagued?”

“We are now plagued with color,” he smiled.

“Well I guess that would make perfect sense,” I added.

“So what are you looking for?”

“We need to get gas for the automobile,” Nathanial replied annoyed.

“Well, I am more than happy to help you both with that.  I can fly you know.”

“Wow, really?” I asked shocked.

“Yes would you like to try Amanda?”

“Would I…”

“Amanda,” Nathanial said scornfully.

“Actually on the other hand, it is safer for me to stay on the ground, you know out of sight, out of mind,” I replied smiling.

“Still being ordered around by that jerk?” Michael asked.

“What is a jerk?”

“A jerk is Nathanial in one of the many books I have read.  When we return to my home-town, I will teach you to read the definition of jerk.”

“Wow that would be great, I cannot believe your parents named you after a meaning in a book Nathanial,” I said.

“They did not name me after a meaning in a book Amanda, do not listen to Michael, he is the one being the real jerk.”

“I am so confused,” I replied unsure of what the two of them where going on about with the whole jerk ordeal.

“Ok, let us get going, before we forget what it is we are looking for,” Nathanial demanded.

“I will be back once I locate a gas station, until then Jerk, keep my best friend safe would you,” Michael demanded.


What seemed like should only take a few minutes for Michael to locate, took much more like several hours.  Nathanial was growing tired of waiting for Michael, and frankly so was I.

“What could be taking him so long,” Nathanial groaned.

“Do you not think if I knew any more information than what you already do Nathanial, I would be telling you,” I replied sarcastically.

“Do not get smart with me Amanda, he is your friend.  And why either of us should sit here and wait for him, is beyond me.”

“Nathanial, please control your temper.”

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