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Sorry it's been so long. Summer is craaazy. Anyways this is the scene in QoS where Aelin teaches Rowan piano. Oh yeah, and thank you so so so so so much for 2.35 K views!
     Rowan's eyes were lined with silver. "Show me... show me how you did that," he breathed. And so Aelin did.
     "Each key has a letter attributed to it. These correspond with sheet music. The letters go, from this key here, C, D E, F, G, and then back to A and B." She played them in order. "Each  line and space on the sheet music means a different letter and a note-- so E, F, G, A, B, C, and D. Since these only represent seven keys, they stay the same, just lower or higher octaves. The black keys are in between, called flats and sharps. They overlap with one another." She grinned. "I've never been able to figure out why."
     Rowan stepped closer to Aelin, his pine and snow scent enveloping her. He tentatively ran a hand over the keys. "What do those pedals do?" She elbowed him lightly, for a moment suddenly aware of how close they were. Then the feeling passed and she continued. "You Fae males, all so insufferable, pressing all the females for information." But he was silent, and so she continued. "The three foot pedals do all different things. The one to the right is called the sustaining pedal. It makes every string sound longer. The one to the left does the same thing, but only for certain groups of strings."
    "Then why have the middle pedal?"
    Aelin shrugged. "Who knows? But the master pianoforte craters of Melisande certainly have a reason." Rowan just smiled. "The last one creates a softer sound. See, that one has a use."
     "Can-- can I try?" Rowan looked a little overwhelmed at the amount of information Aelin had just told him. She slid off the bench.
     "Sure." She stood behind him, moving his hands to their proper places. "Try now. Just push keys."
     A few harsh notes rang throughout the hushed theater. Rowan shook his head. "I can't. I can't make it the way you do." She could see him searching for words. "I can't play it so... so people understand my, my soul. Can you explain how you... you do it?"
    "I don't know." Aelin shook her head. "I guess-- my feeling produce the notes. No, it's-- I can't. I think it's just something you have to learn yourself.
     Rowan closed his eyes. "Alright. But-- will you play again?"
And so Aelin played, until someone cane to investigate the noise of the pianoforte.
Yeah, idk. I'm really exhausted from going to THE NATIONAL BOOK FESTIVAL!! It was really fun but anyways plz tell me what you think of this fic and of course, comment ideas!!

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