Spitting Fire

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"Hey asshole, do you mind?!" Yoongi stood up and glared at the person who had single handedly ruined Yoongi's writing.

"Excuse me?" He turned and gave a sharp look. He had dark brown hair and a young face. He looked muscly under his shirt sleeves, not that Yoongi cared.

"You ruined my work! I've been working on this for months and it's fucking ruined!!" Yoongi spat at the boy, who he figured was younger judging by his looks.

"Woops, so sorry," not one thing he said sounded sincere. He had a bad attitude and Yoongi didn't appreciate it at all.

"Y-Yoongi stop swearing, please!" Jimin came around the counter and stood between the two. Both boys looked down at Jimin, who was the shortest of the three, and glared.

"You know him?!" The boy hissed and scrunched his face slightly, "who is he?!"

"Jungkook, he's just a friend!" Jimin stomped his foot as he shouted at Jungkook. Yoongi felt flattered that he was considered a friend to Jimin, but honestly that wasn't the first thing on his mind right now.

"I can't stand and take your bullshit anymore," Yoongi hissed and picked up his things, then stormed out.

A perfect day ruined by one arrogant asshole, what a dick. Yoongi couldn't help but wonder what Jimin's relationship was with, what was his name... Jugcock? Jurglook? Junglebook? No... Jungkook. He didn't know why he cared, but he definitely cared. And it was driving him crazy. He hated not knowing, not understanding. It irritated him more than anyone could ever imagine. It drove him insane.

As he got up to his apartment, he unlocked the door and pushed down on the slightly crooked door handle before entering. The door slammed behind him and he chucked his bag to the side, which was left resting against the wall. He shuffled into the living room and plopped himself down on the couch. He bent down to undo his Doc Martins and sighed as he did so.

Today was supposed to be a good day, yet it was already going downhill and it was only 10:47am.

Stained Pages :Yoonmin:Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin