Chapter 8: 'Inner Circle'

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I decided to tell Willow about my resent 'episode' and she took it fairly well. 



"You're taking this remarkably well." I said holding my chin in thought, realizing that there was a stubble growing.

"We are on an island in a dark shadow dimension filled with monsters that is controlled by a magician. Your story isn't that unbelievable." she said pulling out her lighter. 

"Shall we ignore it and keep the others in ignorant bliss or tell a select few and try to resolve it?" I said as she pulled out a cigarette and lit it.

"I suppose I'll tell my 'inner circle' but I don't know what we can do about it." she ended her sentence with a few puffs of the cigarette... How did she get a cigarette on this island?

"I propose first order of business be getting me a new garland." I said with a chuckle. 

"I second that." she said blowing smoke in my face with a giggle. 

An hour later the sun had set and Willow told me to meet at the bonfire. Upon arriving I saw that Willow's 'inner circle' comprised of Wolfgang, Wickerbottom, Wigfrid, and WX-78. Willow arrived soon after, now puffing on a different cigarette. The humane side of me worried for her health and the over analytical side of me wondered how the hell she'd gotten her hands on cigarettes. 

"Alright. What is the problem." Wolfgang said, looking towards me as if I'd done something foul.

"Whatever do you mean Wolfgang?" she said blowing out smoke.

"You only smoke if you're stressed." she said sternly.

"I'm gonna keep it short before you get to worried Wolfgang. Wilson here says he saw a woman who turned into the Darkness Monster. He thought it was important to tell you all." with that she huffed up the last of the cigarette, threw it into the bonfire, and walked away. Leaving a sleepy Wigfrid, who also walked away, a grumpy Wickerbottom, an impartial WX-78, and an angry Wolfgang. I decided to not take my chances and just made my way to my tent.

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