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Waking up the next morning was difficult, even more so because it had been immediately before three doctors walked into my room, one of them being Mrs. Zoe. They gave me clothes and shoes, telling my to get dressed best I could without help.

Apparently, I'd been in the hospital since three days before I woke up yesterday, therefore enabling me to move somewhat decently on my own. My mother and sister left the room, leaving me alone to put on the clothing I'd been given.

It became apparent soon that my mother had went home and gotten some of my clothes, probably in an attempt to make me feel more comfortable. I'd been brought a plain black t-shirt, black pants, my favorite black hoodie and converse from my closet. Close to what I would choose, really. After getting dressed, I heard a knock on my door. It was Mrs. Zoe, the doctor from yesterday.

"Hello, Levi! Feeling any better?" She asked, pocketing her small notepad and placing her hands on her hips. I only shrugged, not in the mood to talk.

"Well, that's better than you were a few days ago, so I'll take it." She had a point. Gesturing for me to follow her, she led me into the cold hallway, and I was suddenly extremely grateful for my hoodie. My mother and sister stood, talking with the doctors from when I first woke up. SMI was printed in dark blue on their name tags.

My mother walked up to me, taking me in her arms and kissing my forehead. She then placed both hands on my shoulders, looking me in the eye."They're gonna take good care of you. understood?"

She spoke to me, but also to herself. When I nodded, so did she. Afterwards, she made way for Mikasa to say her farewells.

She hugged me, and I hugged her back. "I love you. We'll see each other soon." She said before wiping her eyes and stepping away.

With that, the two doctors from SMI led me down the halls and outside. Mrs. Zoe followed.

As I got into the car with navy blue writing identical to that on the doctors name tags, Mrs. Zoe leaned into the open window from outside.

"You'll do fine, Levi. If you're ever overwhelmed, ask for Mr. Smith. He's my husband, and he's sure to take good care of you." I nodded, and she did so as well before the car started moving, down the road and away from the hospital. Away from my mother and away from my sister.

As I was driven an hour away from my hometown, I fidgeted with the bandage protecting my left wrist. It has light blood stains, visibly soaking through the bandage where the wounds were too deep. I'd have to remind them to change these later.

Soon, too soon, I looked out of the window to my right to see the tall white and grey building. It almost made me sad to think that this is all I know of Sina.

Before I realized, the door was being opened, and a tall blond haired woman took me by the arm as we entered the building. We walked in, and I was immediately hit with the freezing cold air conditioning. The reception area was a large space with waiting chairs, plants in every corner, and a smiling blond boy at its front desk. I stared at a painting of the sunset hung on the wall as the woman escorting me talked to the boy at the desk, where I'm assuming he gave her the room in which I was to be taken to.

Soon enough, I was led down a dull hallway, we turned, only to met with another hallway of the same boring atmosphere. What was I to expect?

She stopped at a door, where through a small window I would see several waiting chairs inside; some occupied, some weren't.

For the first time, she spoke to me, a monotone voice leaving her mouth.

"Levi, this is the waiting room. You'll sit here until someone comes in to call your name. The rest is up to them." She said with a light smile. It would have been comforting if I hadn't seen her almost shove it on to her face prior to speaking to me.

She opened the door, and I walked in, all eyes on me. I slowly moved to a seat in the corner, where I crossed one leg over the other and leaned my head against the white wall behind me.

Next to me, a brunette boy sat with both legs crossed atop the waiting room chair. Though his head was hung low, I could still make out the long eyelashes beside the brown mess of hair that was pushed to one side of his face.

Before I could observe the boy further, my name was called. I was up from the uncomfortable chair before the short nurse could finish saying my last name. She greeted me with a nod, and instructed me to follow her through yet another hallway. This time, we turned only at the sight of an elevator.

It amused me that they let a nurse of her small stature travel alone in a metal box with patients admitted into a mental hospital, but I didn't say that.

Soon enough, we stopped moving and the elevator made a quiet ding before the doors opened. She led me to a door after turning left, and gestured for me to walk in before she closed it behind me; not entering herself.

In the room was a hospital bed, monitors, and a table containing things like cotton swaps, gloves, etc. I assumed I was supposed to sit on the bed, and moved to do so. Soon after, a doctor walked in.

"Hello, Levi. My name is Mr. Smith, and I'm here for your medical exam." The man was tall. He had blond hair, green eyes, and neatly groomed eyebrows that almost made me want to laugh. I held back though, and made a note that this was Mrs. Zoe's husband.

He took my temperature, checked my vitals, and checked my reflexes as he casually tried to engage in small talk. I hate small talk; absolutely despise it. It did get interesting when he started to tell me bits and pieces about my health, as if I didn't already know that my eyes were red. If only he knew why.

When he was finished, he stepped back and sat on the stool in front of the table in the room.

"So, Mr. Ackerman. Considering the last few days, your physical health is about as good as I'd expect it to be. Due to the circumstances, though, we do have to keep you here for at least three days."

I just nodded, nothing genuinely mattered anymore these days.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2017 ⏰

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