Part 7

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"Sire!" a Shade yelled, running into the parlor. G looked up from his book. "The Player! It's escaped!"

The god stood up, book clattering to the floor. He glanced at a picture of Frisk, before grabbing his jacket. "Show me."


Fuku pulled the picture off the fireplace. Frisk was smiling, a medal in hand. She must've not know that he had this picture.

"Home wrecker." She whispered, tearing the picture in two.


"Fuku Fire has released the Player."

Frisk stared at the king. She spoke the only word that came to mind: "What?"

"How?" Chara said, stepping forward.

G massaged his temples. "She must've snuck past." He said. "Otherwise, no clue."

"We must speed up war preparations." Undyne, dressed in deep black armor, said.

"Yes." The king said.

Defense systems were planned, then the meeting came to a end. G and Frisk lingered in the throne room though. The two looked at other parts of the room.

Finally, Frisk spoke.

"I'm scared."

G teleported to her side, wrapping his arms around her.

"I know."

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