Homecoming Game

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"Alec wake up! We're going to be late! It's the day of the homecoming game!" Izzy shouts while storming into my room, Jace not far behind her.

"She's right Alec, it's the big game!" Jace adds.

I hate my family. I kick both of them out as I make my way to the bathroom to start my morning routine that only takes 15 minutes, but angel knows why my siblings woke me up an hour before we have to leave. When I get out of the bathroom, I grab my phone on my bedside table and sit down on the edge of my bed as I check my notifications.

'Hey hottie, missing you more this morning' is the first one I see which brings a quick redness to my face. 

My boyfriend, Magnus Bane, is still able to make me blush so much after we've been dating for over a year. In fact, our 15 month anniversary is soon. I go and wash my face again to try and calm the flaming hotness in my face  before I head downstairs. Why? Because no one knows Magnus and I are dating, not even my siblings.

I don't know how we've been able to make it so long without getting busted. We've definitely had some close calls. Like that time Magnus and I were making out in my room when suddenly the front door opened, Jace and Izzy storming in with Clary and Simon. 

They had returned from the movies, which I said I couldn't go to because I had to study. I had to push Magnus into my closet ("I'm not going back in there, Alexander") before everyone barged into my room.

Luckily, we weren't busted but Magnus had to go out the window. 

But, as Izzy said, tonight was the homecoming game, which means tomorrow is the homecoming dance, and I plan on coming out at the dance and reveal Magnus and I's relationship by taking him as my date.

You see, Magnus and I have to keep our relationship as secret because I go to Idris Prep, and he goes to Downworld High. Our schools are bitter rivals, have been since decades ago. It's unheard of for two students from these two school being in a relationship, and certainly not two star football players. 

I just hope it won't cost us our relationship.

After replying to Magnus, I head downstairs to eat breakfast before Jace, Izzy, and I go to school.

"There he is! Ready for the game tonight bro?" 

"One, don't call me bro, and two, no I'm super nervous. Downworld High has a perfect record so far" I reply.

"But you're forgetting, so do we" Izzy adds in.

"Angel, I hate Downworld High so much. We used to beat them every time, now for the past 3 years we've been losing all because they have Magnus freaking Bane. I hate that guy. Did you hear the rumors? Apparently he's bisexual or something. I'm so glad he's graduating next year, so we can be the best again" Jace rants.

Jace and Izzy are both juniors, and Magnus is a senior like me. 

Hearing Jace's word make my blood run cold. How am I supposed to come out now? He hates my boyfriend, and he'll probably hate me for being gay too.

"Are you okay Alec? You look a little pale" Izzy notices,

Shit. "No I'm fine. Just nervous for tonight. Like Jace said, we've been losing since my freshman year. I don't want to disappoint my last year in high school" I recover.

Jace and Izzy both give me suspicious looks but they don't say anything, to my relief. We finish our breakfast and hop in the car, as I drive both of them to school every morning. I can't wait for this day to be over.


At school, I get through most of my morning classes without anything eventful happening. Here and there I get a clap on the back from my teammates in the hallway or a teacher telling me "Good luck tonight, Lightwood".

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