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In het Engels omdat het geniaal is maar je kan woordgrappen niet goed vertalen ;(

3 AM in the Boy's Dormitories
Ron: Hey Harry?

Harry: What

Ron: Do you think Voldemort was a virgin?

Harry: Seriously Ron-

Ron: I was just wondering-

Harry: *sighs* *pauses* In the Chamber of Secrets, the memory had him in 5th year...
yeah, he wasn't a virgin

Seamus: Imagine being the lass to do the frick-frack with ol' Dark Lord Voldy

Dean: The Gryffindor boy's dorm; the place where we can talk about sex with the Dark Lord but not say the word sex.

Seamus: *throws pillow at Dean*

Neville: *after pause* Doing the Do with You Know Who.

Ron: He Who Must Not Be Laid

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