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McGonagall: *looking over the write up of what the boys were caught doing. she sighs* Oh you can't be serious...

James: Actually professor, Sirius is my middle name. *smirk*

Teddy: *snorts*

Mcgonagall: *stares at both of them, feeling the absolute worst Deja Vu*

Teddy: Are you alright, Professor?

James: Yeah, Minnie, you look like you've seen a ghost or something.

Mcgonagall: *tries to shake herself out of it. Clears her throat* Yes, I'm fine. Now, Mr. Potter, Mr. Lupin *pauses. Suddenly seeing James and Remus in front of her instead of James and Teddy. she sighs* You know what...just...don't do it again. 5 points from both of your houses. Off with both of you!

Teddy: *grins* Wicked. Thanks Professor!

James: *winks* Yeah, thanks Minnie.

Teddy: *rolls his eyes and grabs James' arm, dragging him out of the office and muttering* That's enough of the flirting you prat, we already won her over.

Mcgonagall: *watches them leave, then sinks down in her chair, rubbing her temples* I need a vacation...

HARRY POTTER SHORT STORIES (HEADCANONS) 2 MUST READWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu