The boy with the leather jacket- a zayn malik fan fiction

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A/N: This story contains sexual content, swearing, self-harm, abuse and eating disorders. So do not read if any of these things bother you. Please vote/comment/share to let my know what you think, this is my first fanfiction so sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes. Enjoy!

Chapter 1

I look around what used to be my bedroom but now looks completely bare, stripped of all the pictures of me and my friends, posters and all my furniture gone. When mum told me we were moving to Bradford I couldn't believe it! I mean what about all my friends and school?! I was supposed to be going to sixthform but no, all because of my stupid mum and dad getting a divorce because they drifted apart? To be honest I don't even know what the real reason is and I don't care. I hate them for doing this to me. My dad will be moving to Surrey with his new girlfriend who also has two sons. Guess he's got his whole new family worked out then! Leaving me and my older brother Zack, to be dragged to Bradford by our mum claiming we need 'a fresh start'. Fresh start my arse. We're only moving because she can't afford to keep our house now that dad no longer helps pay for it. "Ellen are you ready?" I hear my mum call from downstairs. I sigh deeply before taking one more look at my room and trudging down the stairs to find my mum glaring at me. "what took you so long? We need to get going!" She exclaims. I ignore her like I have been doing since she told me we were moving, and walk through the kitchen to the garage where the car is. I see my brothers already in the front seat with his phone in his hand. I open the back door and collapse inside before slamming the door shut. Zack gives me a look but I ignore it and get out my phone plugging my headphones in. Music was the only way I'll be able to get though this 6 hour car journey. Mum finally appears putting some stuff in the trunk of the car before getting in the front and starting up the car. I sigh heavily looking once more at our house and the street as mum pulls away from our house and we start this hellhole journey. I lean back in my seat trying to get comfortable when I feel a tap on my leg. What now?! I take one of my headphones out to find my mum looking through the rear view mirror back at me "look Ellen I know this decision to move has been hard for you but the silent treatment is really not helping, we just-" I put my headphone back in ignoring her and trying to focus my mind on the lyrics blaring through my ears than the real problems I have. She must have given up because she doesn't make an attempt to talk to me again. I lean back in my seat getting comfortable and leaning my head against the window, I close my eyes and slowly feel myself falling asleep..

The boy with the leather jacket- a Zayn Malik fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now