Chapter 10

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-15 minutes later-

We pull up at school just a few minutes before the bells about to ring. I let go of Zayns waist and climb off the bike, I try to take off the helmet but the clip is stuck. Great. Zayn notices and walks over to me. "Here" he says softly. He stands directly in front of me, only inches away from my face. I can feel his minty intoxicating breath fanning onto my face. He easily unclips the helmet and pulls it off my face for me. A few strands of hair fall in front of my face but I can't move with Zayn so close to me. He slowly brings his hands up and brushes the hair out of my face before tucking it behind my ear. Butterfly's erupt in my stomach at his action and I don't know what to do. He keeps his hand at the back of my neck and edges slightly closer to me. Oh my god.. what is he doing? Is he gunna.. Gunna kiss me? Would I kiss him back? I mean I have only known him around two days but he has managed to work out my biggest secret and has taken care of me. Surely he deserves a kiss for that right? I'm overthinking again. He dips his head to mine and I feel myself close my eyes as my lips brush against his. RINGGGGGG! The bell sounds for the end of school and me and Zayn jump away from each other, startled by the noise. I can't believe that! We were literally a millisecond away from kissing and the bell goes and rings? Worst timing ever. Just my luck I guess. "Um we should uh probably get going" zayns says rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "Right uh yeah okay" I reply nervously. Me and zayn start to walk towards the entrance just as people start to stream out. The group of boys I winked at this morning come out of the entrance, and rake their eyes up and down my body making me feel uncomfortable. Zayn wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him, I glance up at him and see he is glaring at the group of boys. The boys turn their heads and keeps their eyes to the ground as we walk past them. What was that about? Was zayn.. jealous? Of course he wasn't jealous Ellen why would he be? My conscious scolds me. "What was that about?" I decide to ask him. "Nothing" he tenses his jaw. Hmm okay. I simply frown in response and decide to shake it off. We walk through the entrance and down the halls. It's then that I notice that people are staring at me, their eyes flickering between me and zayn with his arm still round my waist. Then I realise that I still have zayn's leather jacket on. Oh no people probably think we're together now. "Zayn why are people staring at us?" I whisper to him. "Ignore them" he simply replies, dismissing my question. I don't exactly know where we're going so I let zayn lead me. My eyes land on the 'main office' door at the end of the hall. "What are we doing?" I ask him. "Giving an excuse for skipping school" he shrugs back. "And that excuse is..?" I question. "Uum you weren't feeling well so I took you home and took care of you?" He suggests. "Okay.. why wasn't I feeling well?" I reply. "I'm sure you can think of something" he smirks at me and I roll my eyes. We head into the main office and walk to the counter. The fake blonde is still behind the desk tapping away at her computer. She stops typing and looks up at me and zayn, squinting her eyes. "Can I help you with something?" she dryly asks. "Yeah during the middle of the second period I went home because I was feeling ill and my friend zayn came with me to look after me but I forgot to fill out a slip" I tell her. "You can't just leave school whenever you want, no slip means detention" she replies in a boring tone. Oh come on. "But I already have detention!" I practically whine and I hear zayn chuckle. "Not my problem" she says and I huff in annoyance. "Look she's new here and didn't really know she had to fill out a slip, can't you just let her off this one time?" he flashes her a million dollar smile and I have to refrain from rolling my eyes. The receptionist suddenly gets all giddy and flirtatious. "Well in that case sure" she giggles and bats her eyelashes at zayn. Oh you've got to be kidding me. "I think I'm gunna puke" I mutter loud enough for only zayn to hear. He laughs and winks at me and I roll my eyes in reply. She fetches me a slip and slides it across the counter towards me along with a pen. "Fill it out" she says shortly giving me a dull expression. Alright someone has mood swings. I flash her an enthusiastically sarcastic fake smile making her roll her eyes. Zayn drops his arm from my waist as I quickly fill out the form and past it back to her. "Come on let's go!" I smile at zayn and grab his hand to pull him out the main office. "Woah what's the hurry?" zayn chuckles. "Sorry just couldn't take the third wheeling anymore" I tease him. "Ohh jealous are we now?" zayn raises his eyebrow at me. "You wish" I stick my tongue out at him.

Zayn POV

She is adorable. Even after everything today she is still smiling and joking around. She is easily the strongest person I know. I feel this strong need to protect her and make sure she never feels pain again, even if it's inflicted by herself. When I saw those boys looking at her I just.. I dunno I felt my blood boil and this fire build up in my chest. I know the things that were running through their minds when they practically undressed her with their eyes. Heck even I've thought those things but they.. they can't think those things about her. Even thinking about her with another guy makes me want to put a hole through the wall. She's mine. Wait what? What am I going on about I've only known her two days? I quickly push my thoughts to the back of my mind, and glance down to our hands which are still entwined. Her hands are so small but her fingers are quite chubby which I find cute. Our hands seem to fit perfectly together despite the size difference and I smile at this. Ellen's eyes follow my gaze to our hands and she immediately takes away her hand and blushes. "Sorry I um.. I mean we should uh get to our detention right?" she stutters adorably. Adorable? Cute? Since when do I say shit like that? This girl is making me insane. "Yeah um okay" I rub the back of my neck. We start to walk towards maths and I feel empty with the loss of contact from Ellen. I swing my arm round her shoulder as casually as I can and pull her closer towards me. Ah much better. Ellen glances up at me and smiles and I smile back. "I bet our lovely teacher is bursting with joy at the thought of seeing us" I say sarcasm lacing my words. "We all know he secretly just wants to spend more time with his favourite students" she laughs. I laugh as well just as the maths room comes into sight. Great. We walk towards it and just as I'm about to open the door I turn to Ellen. "You ready?" I ask. "As I'll ever be" she sighs and rubs between her eyes. I push open the door to find our annoying teacher marking papers on his desk. His head snaps up and his eyes narrow when he sees us. "Mr. Malik and Miss. Miller would you like explain to me 1, why you are late to your detention and 2, what happened when you ignored my warnings and ran out of the classroom?" he barks at us. I look at Ellen and see she has her eyes lowered to the ground, her teeth hook her bottom lip as she chews on it I presume deciding what to say. When she doesn't say anything after a few seconds I speak up. "Sorry sir we were late because Ellen had to fill out a slip for why she missed school and um.. earlier in class she was feeling ill. I went after her to look after her and make sure she was okay." I explain hoping he'll buy it. "What was wrong that was making you feel ill Miss. Miller if you don't mind me asking?" the teacher asks. She sighs and I can tell she doesn't want to answer. "Actually she does mind you asking" I speak up for her. "Let her speak for herself Mr. Malik" he warns me. I shift my hand to her lower back and lightly rub small circles into her back in an attempt to comfort her. "I um.. just felt like I was gunna be sick that's all" She finally says. "Well next time you need to ask okay?" The idiot teacher actually has concern on his face. "I did ask! But you said no! What other choice did I have than to walk out! Oh unless you wanted me to puke all over my desk!" She raises her voice. I can feel her body tensing under my hand as she grows angry. "Miss. Miller if you could take a seat at the back and Mr.Malik somewhere in the middle please" he ignores Ellen's outburst. What a dick. She huffs in annoyance and glares at the teacher as she walks to the back and slumps into one of the chairs. I have to stop myself from chuckling at her attitude towards the teacher. I take a seat in the middle on the left side of the room, so I only have to turn my head to see Ellen. "Your going to sit here for 45 minutes in silence while I mark these papers, then you may leave" he states. You've got to be kidding me. Me and Ellen let out a load groan simultaneously. She looks at me chuckling and I smirk back at her. "Quiet please, the 45 minutes start now" the teacher says. I sigh and lean back getting comfortable in my chair. This is gunna be the longest 45 minutes of my life.

The boy with the leather jacket- a Zayn Malik fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now