Chapter 17: Talent Show

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          "I mean... That was so sudden. You never told me you like her." Yoona said.

          "Well, I just recently realized that I like her. You already have Lay, so maybe it's about time for me to be in a relationship as well." Baekhyun said leaning on a post.

          "Oh. Yeah you're right, it is about time... Uhm... Maybe I was just not used to see you around other girls. Wow! That would be great. My bestfriend, the little boy who used to whine on just about everything.... finally grew up. Well, good luck. I don't think she'll give you a hard time." Yoona felt as if there's a big lump on her throat making it hard for her to swallow.

          "Uhm... I better go find Lay. I'll just see you around  guess." Yoona turned back and bagan to run. She can hear Baekhyun calling her name but she didn't even gave him single glance.

          Yoona's sight became cloudy with tears. She can't explain why but she was hurting inside.

          She ran and ran. She didn't care even as she stumble down a couple of times. She just wanted to get out of that place. She kept on running until she bumped into someone.

          "Yoona. Why are you running? I'm sorry it took me long to come back, I was having a hard time looking for warm drinks.... Yoona? Are you alright? Are you crying?" Lay asked worriedly. He dropped the cans he was holding and hold Yoona's shoulders.

          Yoona wrapped her arms around Lay's body and buried her face on his chest. All her life, Aside from that time when her parents died, she have never cried this much.

          Then, realization hit her straight in the face. She loved Baekhyun. Not just as a friend but as a woman would to a man. 

          She wanted to kick herself for not realizing it earlier. She loves her bestfriend, but it's probably too late now as Baekhyun said he already likes someone else and she has Lay. Lay has been waiting for her to reciprocate his feelings, she can't hurt him like this.

          Her feelings were thorned. The thought of it hurts her more and she can't stop crying.

          Lay then cupped her face and lifted it. She met his gaze with her blurry eyes. He then leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on her lips.

          She wanted to stop him, but the emotions flowing inside her made her powerless. She closed her eyes and let it go. Somehow, Lay's kisses takes her mind away from the pain. A single tear flowed to her cheek as the snow began to fall.

          "I'm sorry. I didn't want to take advantage of you. But it's the only way I can think of to make you stop crying. I hate seeing you cry." Lay said pressing his forehead against hers. 

          "It's okay. I'm sorry you had to see me like this. Lay... You still like me right?" Yoona asked.

          "Nothing changed. I love you Yoona." Lay said. 

           "Then.... Yes. I'd like to be your girlfriend." Yoona said meeting Lay's eyes.

          Lay was so glad he leaned again and gave Yoona another kiss. This time, Yoona kissed him back.

          Baekhyun, who was hiding behind a tree saw and heard everything. 

          He wanted so much to take her away, but with what he said to her a while ago, he has no excuse. He was too late, he thought. And so, he just turned around and walked away.  

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