Chapter 35: Epilogue

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          Lay sleepily opened his eyes as the sun hits his face. Last night's bachelor's party was really crazy and the other boys somehow coaxed him to drink a lot.

          He picked his alarm clock to check the time. His eyes widened as he saw the time.

          "SHOOT! I'm going to be late!" He quickly bolted up.

          He can't be late today, as today is a very special day. He quickly took a shower and put on his tux.

          The wolf pack boys were quite worried. It's almost time for the wedding but Lay was still not around.

          "Has Lay arrived yet? The ceremony is about to start." Chanyeol asked the other boys.

          "Where's Lay?" Baekhyun asked as he walked in on them. His friends all raised their shoulders.

          "I better call him." He said.

          "Hello?" Lay picked up.

           "Lay!!!! Where the hell are you? The wedding is about to start. Yoona is already freaking out." Baekhyun told him.

          "Ahm..... I'm currently running. Don't worry I'm just around the corner. I'll be there in no time." Lay said.

          "Well hurry up. You don't want to mess with Bridezilla." Baekhyun joked.

          Lay ran as fast as he could till he reached the church. He was still catching his breath when the other boys found him.

          "Aish! What took you so long?" Chen asked slapping Lay's back.

          "I woke up late. You guys shouldn't have made me drink that much. Yoona will be mad if she finds out." Lay said.

          "Don't put the blame on us, we all drank as much, but we weren't late." Chanyeol said.

           "And I thought I was the sleepy one." Kai said.

            "You would've also been late if I didn't call you." Sehun told Kai.

            "Fix yourself. Before you go in." Baekhyun said.

            "Guys hurry up. The ceremony is about to start." D.O called.

          All seven of them all then went inside and took their places.

          It was considered as the wedding of the year. Over the past three years, they thought that after Lay's announcement, things would go downhill for the group. But instead, nothing but good fortune had fallen down on them.

          All the albums that they released sold millions of copies world wide. Their fandom grew and had even reached western fans. Their songs would always chart number one.

          They have received numerous awards as well. Each episode of the drama series that they first made had high ratings and it was soon followed by a couple more.

         Different brands have decided to use them for promotion. They were in fact very lucky, so they never failed to thank their fans as often as they can. 

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