Chapter 24: The Truth

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          The other members had other schedules after the radio guesting, leaving Baekhyun and Yoona to go back to the dorm by themselves.

           The mood inside the van was a bit gloomy. It was just the two of them and the driver. Baekhyun was just staring outside the window not talking to her.

           "I'm going live on V App." Yoona announced trying to lift the mood before Baekhyun could even protest.

          "Aaaaaaaand we're live. Let's see how many viewers do we have.... 50.... 300..... 2000.... Wow! We got a lot of viewers today. Hello everyone! How are you?" Yoona started.

           "Are you alone? Uhm... No. I am with my bestfriend here. Say Hi Baek." Yoona said reading a question from a viewer. She then panned the camera to show Baekhyun.

           "Hi Baek! Hahaha!!" Baekhyun said playing along.

           "We don't really have a concept topic for today. I just got bored. Hehe.  So I have decided to go live. Since we don't really have a particular concept for today, we will just answer some random questions. So fire away...." Yoona said.

           "Where are you two going?" Yoona read.

           "We are on our way back to our dorm. We just finished guesting on a radio show. Have you guys listened to it?" Baekhyun asked.

           "Let's play some music." Yoona played one of their songs and started singing. Baekhyun joined in.

           "Okay. Next question. Where are the other boys. Uhm, they have a different schedule than us today. They have other commitments... So we were left alone... Sigh." Yoona said jokingly.

           Baekhyun was still singing and was playing around making Yoona Laugh.

           "Can you speak English? Uhmm.... Hello. My name is Baekhyun. How are you? Hahaha" Baekhyun said making Yoona laugh harder.

           "I'm sorry. He slept most of the time during our English class." Yoona said speaking fluently.


           "What?! I'm Just telling the truth. Hahaha" Yoona said. Baekhyun messed her hair.

           "Well, she's right. English was not really my best subject." Baekhyun said.

           "And History." Yoona added.

           "And History. Haha. I remembered, Yoona and D.O always had to set up a study group before exam week to help the rest of us boys to study." Baekhyun said.

           "Ahh... Those were the days." Yoona said.

           They talked about other random things for the next thirty minutes before finally logging off.

           The mood somehow changed back to normal making Yoona happy. They were a couple of blocks away from the dorm when someone caught Yoona's attention.

           "Uhm... Orabeoni,  can you drop me off here please? I need to buy something." Yoona told the driver.

           "Wait, Yoona, it's too dangerous. Some fans might recognize you. Do you want me to go with you?" Baekhyun said holding her arm. Yoona took her cap and her sunglasses.

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