Socializing with Pastel goths

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Socializing with Pastel goths

Now once you've finished this book, know you like the pastel goth fashion, and have at least a good idea of what pastel goth is, you can start making friends online and possibly in real life! I would definitely start by joining the pastel goth community on tumblr (an online social media site), IT'S HUGE! Also you may be able to find some people at concerts, in big cities, at shopping malls, etc. that look pastel goth and would enjoy your love and knowledge of this fashion!

Meeting up with pastel goths

Now once you have made friends with a couple pastel goths on the internet and want to meet them in person to have a Pastel Goth Party or something i would suggest the following

1. Meet them in a public place

2. Have some form of self defense weapon on you in case they turn out to be a creep.

3. Make sure your phone is fully charged in case you need to call the police.

4. Make sure someone knows where you are going (people in real life)

5. I would suggest taking a buddy with you the first time, someone who can protect you or call for help if your in trouble

Now of course your pastel goth internet friends that you are going to meet in real life, they aren't creeps! They've sent you selfies! They're the same age as you! Well this is true but your just behind a screen, you dont know for sure if theyre really who they are! Keep safe and follow my instructions and you should be fine. On to the next chapter!!!

P.s. you can also meet other pastel goths at Harajuku Fashion Walks and Anime Cons. Find one at a city near you!

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